Page:History of the life and sufferings, of the Reverend John Welch.pdf/21

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lord your huſband, and all the ſaints there, the meſſenger of peace be with you all for evermore, Amen.

Yours to my full power for
January 6. 1606.
the time Chriſt's priſoner,

This is my coppy of this prophetical letter; and it is a queſtion whether the great prophecy concerning Scotland, be yet fulfilled or to receive its accompliſhment; (illegible text)o there is no doubt, part of it is fulfilled, for of all thoſe, who were falſe judges in his, cruel ſentence, there is now no remnant nor memory, as is commonly obſerved.

Another famous prophetical letter he wrote to Sir William Livingſone of Kliſſyth, one of the lords of the college of juſtice, whereof this my copy.

Right Honourable, my hearty Salutations remembered in the Lord,

YOUR love and care many times have certainly comforted me. And having no other thing to requite, I ſhall, as I may, deſire him who is able to do, and hath undertaken it, to meet you and yours with conſolations in his good time.

As for the matter itſelf, the bearer will ſhew you, that what is required is ſuch a thing, as in the ſight of our Lord we may not do, without both the hazard of our conſciences, and the liberty of Chriſt's kingdom, which ſhould be dearer to us than any thing elſe: What a ſlavery were it to us to bind our conſciences, in the ſervice of our God, in the meaneſt; point of our callings, to the will of man or angels? and we are fully reſolved that what we did, was acceptable ſervice to our God, who hath put it up as ſervice done to him, and has allowed and ſealed it to us by many tokens; ſo it that were more than high impiety, and apoſtacy, to teſtify the ruin and undoing, of anything which our God hath ordained to bedone. We