Page:How to Get Strong (1899).pdf/271

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He looked about the farthest remove from a consumptive—a short, stout, fat man, rather.

Now the in-door chest work above recommended; and the steady and vigorous daily out-door work; all aiming to deepen and strengthen the lungs; are well-nigh sure to bring decidedly favorable results; while the doctor's habit of frequent, deep, and slow inhaling, cannot fail to work great good, and can hardly be practised enough.

After he of weak lungs has once built them up again, and regained the former vigor; he should not only be sure of his daily in-door exercise and of his "constitutional," but of a longer outing daily than a stronger man would need. President Day, of Yale, said to have been a consumptive at seventeen, by good care of his body lived to be ninety-five; and it is far from uncommon for delicate persons, who take good care of the small stock of vigor they have, to outlive sturdier ones who are more prodigal and careless.