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Courtesy of Pan American Union
A SHEEP FOLD. One of the great industries of the world is the raising of sheep to provide wool for the manufacture of woolen goods. While sheep are raised in every country, and in all parts of every country, the great flocks are found in the western part of the United States, in South American countries, in Australia and South Africa. The picture shows a flock of French Merinos. This is one of the most popular of the breeds for the production of fine wool, suitable for clothing. Other breeds, which are bred for mutton as well as the production of wool, come chiefly from Great Britain and are classed as long wool and short wool breeds.
Courtesy of Pan American Union Copyright by Underwood & Underwood
SHEEP SHEARING BY MACHINERY. On the left side we have a picture of sheep shearing by machinery. On the larger sheep ranches the method of shearing the sheep by power is being introduced. The new method has several advantages over hand shearing; the process is much faster and therefore more economical; the fleece is taken off cleaner, weighs more and is in better condition; and the shearing is more humane, there being no nicking of the sheep.
TAKING THE WOOL TO MARKET. In the lower picture we have a scene from Argentina, in South America, where there are immense ranches devoted to the sheep industry. The wool is clipped from the sheep in a single fleece. This is rolled and a large number of the rolls packed together in a single bale. These bales are carried by wagons to the nearest railroad point, from whence the wool is carried to Buenos Ayres for shipment to other countries.