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a. As related to child life: 1307.

b. Nature study in the lower grades: 1307.

c. Material: 1308.

d. Methods: 1308.

e. The Camera in Nature Study: 1309.


1. MAIN CLASSES OF ANIMALS: Animal kingdom 74; arthropoda 114; verte-

brates 2015; tunicates 1950; geology 2133.

a. Insects: Illustrations — flies 687; "darning needle" or dragon fly 549;

scarabaeus or tumble-bugs 1687; butterflies 296; hornets 886; silkworm moth 1757; chinch-bug 389; potato-bug 1537; fire-fly 676; peripatus 1453; cockroaches 418; cochineal 417; canker or fire worm 322.

b. Fishes: 678;, trout 1945; bass 179; cod 418; salmon 1666; perch 1451;

pike 1490; haddock 821; mudfishes 1274.

c. Amphibians: Frogs 719; toads 1917; and salamanders 1664.

d. Reptiles: 1601; snakes 1773; alligators 52; lizards 1104; tortoise 1925;

turtle 1958; terrapin 1892; crocodile 480.

e. Brrds: 217; sparrow 1791; hawk 850; robin 1620.

f. Mammals: 1154; cat 347; dog 538; elephant 604; monkey 1252; horse 886;

house-pets 889.


a. Parts of an Insect: 928; ant 76; bee 191 beetle 194; spiders 1798.

(a) Antennae or feelers, what they are like: Cock-

roaches 418; aphides or plant lice 82.

(b) Eyes: Insects 928; dragon-fly 548.

1. Upper lip and jaws:

Beetle 194; weevil 2064; ant-lion 81.

2. Parts for biting and for

sucking: 929; Butterfly 297; caterpillar 350; waterbug 2052.

(2) Thorax: '928.

(a) The wings and legs: Insects 929-30; crickets 477; grasshoppers 796.

(3) Abdomen and the way it is joined to the thorax: 2050.

b. Stages through which most insects go in developing from the egg to the

full-grown adult insect: fly 687; mosquito 1269.

(a) Number of eggs: Bee 191; mos-

quito 1269.

(b) Where they are laid: Bee 191; fly 928; ) 687; mosquito 1269; moths


(c) When laid: Moths 1270; crickets

477; grasshopper 796; lady-bug 1019.

(1) Head:

(c) Mouth-parts:

(1) The egg stage: 297; 350.