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(b) Restrictions upon manufacture and trade: 1978;

Navigation Laws, 1313. (2) The immediate causes;

(a) The Writs of Assistance: 1399.

(b) The Stamp Tax: 1808; United States, 1978; Otis,

1399; Adams, 12; Navigation Laws, 1313.

(c) The duties on importation of tea, paper, glass, etc.:

1978; Boston, 248; Taxes, 1874; Revere, 1604; South Church, 1379.

(d) The Boston Massacre: 248, 833.

b. The beginning of the fighting: Lexington, 1062; Concord, 439; and Bunker

Hill, 289; Putnam, 1564; Stark, 1812; Warren, 2043; Crown Point and Ticonderoga, 1910; Allen, 52; Arnold, 109; Ticonderoga, 1910.

c. Washington made commander of the American Army: 2049; United

States, 1978.

d. The Declaration of Independence: 513.

e. The Struggle about New York: 1334; Long Island, 1112; White Plains,

2079; Stony Point, 1832; United States, 1978; Saratoga, 1679.

(1) Loss of the city of New York: 1336; United States, 1979.

(2) Retreat through the Jerseys: 2049.

(3) Recovery at Trenton and Princeton: 1548, 1941, 803.

f. Burgoyne's expedition: 290; Saratoga, 1679; Ticonderoga, 1910; Ver-

mont, 2013.

g. Loss of Philadelphia: 1979.

h. Brandywine, 260; Germantown, 760; and Valley Forge 1999; Greene, 803;

Steuben, 1824; Wayne, 2060.

i. The French Alliance and Franklin's work in Paris: 1978, 2049, 709, 1978. j. John Paul Jones and his work in European waters: 978. k. The war in the South: 1979; Marion, 1171; Cornwallis, 458; Norfolk, 1355.

(1) Losses in the South:

(a) The English capture Savannah and Charlestown:

371, 1683, 1559, 1979.

(b) The defeat of Gates: 741, 458. 1. The treason of Arnold: 109, 70, 1979.

m. The recovery of the South: 803.

(1) King's Mountain, Cowpens: 1005, 470.

(2) Greene and Cornwallis: 803, 458, 2124, 1979. n. The close of the war:

(1) Yorktown campaign: 1979, 1824.

(2) Why Cornwallis was at Yorktown: 1979.

(3) Washington's plan and the help of the French: 1979, 1621,


(4) The surrender: 459, 1979. o. Peace:

(1) Independence acknowledged: 1979.

(2) The boundary: 1979.


a. The formation of the government: 115, 1787, 1391.

(1) The Constitutional convention of 1787: 1391.

(a) Why it met: 1979.

(b) Its leaders: Franklin, 709; Jefferson, 968; Ham-

ilton, 830; Madison, 1142; Sherman, 1741.

(c) The differences of opinion: 1519.

(d) How the Constitution was made: 1979.

(e) Its adoption by the states: 1979, 1358.

b. Washington's election and administration: Chart VIII; Washington, 2048;

United States, 1979.

(1) The first cabinet: Hamilton, 830; Jefferson, 967; Knox, 1008;

Randolph, 1586.

(2) The work of Hamilton: 830.

(3) The Whiskey Insurrection and its cause: 1448.

(4) The rise of parties: 968.