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b. The two general problems in language teaching: 1026.

(1) To 'extend child's power to use language.

(2) To correct his language errors.

c. Experience at base of all language work:

(1) Varieties of experience to be worked with: 1026.

(2) What good language work does for child experience: 1026-7.

d. Method in oral and written language: 1027.

(1) Means suggested to assist written work.

(2) How the teacher may improve the oral English of pupils:

(a) Encourage children to speak freely on interesting sub-


(b) Incidental suggestions correcting mistakes when made.

(c) Get pupils to give conscious attention to forms of


(3) Formal correction of language errors in upper grades: 1027.

(a) Steps in formal correction:

1. Errors recognized.

2. Correct form determined by means of grammar.

3. Correct form made habitual by drill.

e. Grammar:

(1) Formal grammar not so important as formerly: 1027, 790.

(2) Dependence for correct English on correct use without many

rules: 1027.

(3) Lack of formal grammar in first six years of school: 1027,


(4) Grammar in the seventh and eighth grades: 1027, 791.

(a) Pupils usage made the basis for inductive study:

1027, 791.

(b) Mainly a matter of classification essential to guidance

of oral and written expression: 1027.

(c) Language treated as an art, not a science: 1027.

f. Foreign languages: 1027, 791.

(1) Oral work: 1028.

(2) Written composition: 1028.


a. What manual training in the wide sense includes: 1162.

(1) Shop and desk work.

(2) Domestic science.

(3) Domestic art.

b. Value in manual training:

(1) Giving of useful skill and knowledge: 1163.

(a) Commercial value of manual dexterity.

(2) Development of motor control: 1163.

(3) Development of observation and judgment: 1163.

(4) Values on artistic side: 1163.

(5) Object of stick laying, paper folding, tracing, clay modelling

and weaving: 1164. C. Desk and shop work:

(1) Desk work in early grades: 1163.

(a) Use of ordinary desks: 1165.

(b) Wlorking outline lessons for 23 weeks: 1164.

(c) Basketry: 179.

(d) Drawing: 551.

(2) Shop work in upper grades:

(a) Materials used: 1165.

(b) Tools required: 1163, 1165. <L Domestic Art: 542.

(1) What is included in domestic art.

(2) Special values in the subject.

(3) The development of taste and skill. e. Domestic Science:

(1) Branches taught: 542.