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What is the value of manual training on the artistic side? 1163.

What materials are needed for manual training in the first grade? 1163.

What are industrial schools a substitute for? 924.

What did industrial drawing in public schools lead to? 924.

When was the first public system of industrial schools established in

the United States? 925. What are polytechnic schools? 1522.

What is the name of the oldest polytechnic school in the U. S.? 1523. Are polytechnic schools efficient? 1523. How has the business college been of immense value? 295. How have business colleges developed in the last 50 years? 295. When was the first military school planned? 1224. How do cadets gain admission to West Point Academy? 1224. What is the yearly pay of each cadet? 1224. Where are four special military schools located? 1225. In what schools is the military drill a feature? 1225. How has the course of study in American colleges improved? 422. When were elective students introduced into Harvard? 422. What are a student's expenses in college? 422. Why was Princeton founded? 422. What attention do athletics receive in colleges? 423. What college had the first college paper? 423. What is the largest college in the United States? 423. How many women are going to college in the U. S.? 423. What is the college entrance examination board? 423. Where are the examinations held? 423.

How many pupils who fail to gain entrance to college? 423. Does it profit anyone to go to college? 423. What great change has taken place in the past 25 years? 423. What class of persons does one meet in college? 424. What advantage has the college graduate? 424.

What colleges are now preferred by many enlightened persons? 424. Why is the average instruction in any college not very good? 424. How should a college be chosen? 424. Who established kindergarten schools? 1002. What is the starting point of the kindergarten method? 1002. What is essential to success in kindergarten work? 1002. In what U. S. city was the kindergarten first tried? 1003. What is the main purpose of school excursions? 640. Upon what should all studies be based? 641.

In what country does the teacher take a group of boys for a trip? 641. What are the chief classes of school excursions? 641. What does self activity mean? 1720. What are the two principal factors in education? 1720. Why is self activity encouraged? 1720. How should self activity be treated by the teachers? 1720. What are the two periods of adolescence? 14. What change takes place in thought and feeling? 15. When are personal habits fixed? 15. What is the practical problem of the educator? 15. What are Prof. James' valuable words of encouragement to youths?


What does domestic art include? 542.

How does domestic science differ from manual training? 542. How long does a normal course in domestic science last? 542. What branches are taught in domestic science? 542. What is the purpose of parents' meetings? 1421. What did the National Congress of Mothers do? 1421. How may the parent be wiser than the teacher? 1421. What is the explanation of heredity? 867. What is the special characteristic of hypnotized persons? 906. What is the aataleptic state? 907. What theory of Mesmer has been exploded? 907. Im what diseases is hypnotism useful? 907. Can hypnotism compel one to commit a crime against one's will? 907.