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What religious order produced some of the greatest preachers and

teachers of the middle ages? 543. What was the famous contest of investiture between Hildebrand and

Henry IV? 804, 326, 812.

What pope established Ash Wednesday observance? 119. To whom is the Catholic Church indebted for her ritual and chants?


Who first made the pope a temporal sovereign? 1450. When was the temporal power of the pope formally established? 1054. What were the ecumenical councils? 396. Who were the Black Friars of England? 543. Who Christianized the Saxon people? 368. What emperor set up schools throughout his country in the ninth

century? 368. What people harassed England during the time of Alfred the Great?

48, 616.

When did the Northmen first attack England? 1359, Who was the most illustrious of the Normans? ^360. Who was absolute owner of all the land under the feudal system?

658. How were the kings of Europe supported under the feudal system?


Under whose dominion was the Holy Roman Empire? 634. Over what provinces did Henry II of Anjou reign? 634. Where were the Hungarians located? 634.

How was half the population of Europe destroyed in 1348? 1499. Whose reign was known as the golden age of Portugal? 610. When did Portugal rank as one of the greatest monarchies of Europe?

1534. At the beginning of the sixteenth century what was the extent of

the empire ruled by Charles V? 634. Who delivered Holland from the Spanish yoke? 879. When did the Thirty Years* War occur? 634. In what century was Sweden a great power? 634. When did Russia begin to make a steady growth? 634. At what time was Poland one of the most powerful states in Europe?


When did the duchy of Prussia become independent of Poland? 634. When did Russia begin to make a steady growth? 634. When did the French Revolution occur, and how did it affect the map

of Europe? 634. After the fall of Napoleon's empire, how were the portions of Europe

governed which now comprise Italy, Holland, Belgium, Germany

and France? 634.

What are the chief changes in Europe since the middle of the nineteenth century? 635.

The early history of Europe is that of what three great empires? 633. What barbaric people were next to the Western Empire? 634, What people were next to the Eastern Empire? 634. How were the German barbarians divided? 634. Where was the home of the Slavs? 634. Where were the Gothic tribes found? 634. What people entered Britain when abandoned by the Roman garrisons?

634. What became the starting point of the kingdoms of France and of

Germany? 634.

What great empire began near the close of the eighth century? 634. What important victory had much to do in keeping Europe from be«

coming a Mohammedan country? 371.

When did the Mohammedans establish themselves in Spain? 634. In what century was the Holy Roman Empire established? 634.