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What important theologian sought to combine the results of Greek

philosophy with the gospel during the second century? 1393. What is meant by the term pseudonym? 1188.

To whom is the world indebted for the first complete edition of Homer?


When did Roman literature commence? 1083. Did Rome ever have any really native literature? 1083. Upon what was Roman drama founded? 1083. Who were the Roman dramatists? 1083. By whom and when was the satire founded? 1083. What is said to have caused the death of Terence? 1891. In what branches of literature did Rome exc'el? 1083. Who was the greatest of all epigrammatists? 1178. What can you tell of Cicero? 1083. What noblest Roman of them all was author, orator, scholar, soldier

and statesman. 303.

When was the Augustan age of Roman poetry? 1083. Who were some of the great writers of this age? 1083. What can you tell of their writings? 1083.

Do any Roman epics compare with those of India and Greece? 1083. What man of the world is one of the world's lyric poets? 1083. Who was the chief comic dramatist of Rome? 1503. Who were the great Roman prose writers? 1083. Which were historians? Which essayists? Which letter-writers? 1083. Who was Nero's tutor, and what was his fate? 1723. What emperor was Plato's philosopher ruling the world? 139. Who was the earliest and greatest letter-writer in the world? 398. Who was the last of the great Latin poets? 984. From whom do we derive our impressions of the life of the upper

classes of the first century? 1505. Who was the real first Roman historian? 1083. What great writer wrote satires against the rich? 1083. Who were other Roman writers of a later period? 1083. What Christian authors glorified the last days of Latin literature?

58, 137, 970.

ITALIAN. What was the literary language of Europe during the middle ages?


Who formed a trio of great Italian writers? 1084. In what country did literature reach its height in its opening? 1084. What did Dante's Divine Comedy do for literature and the Italian

language? 501.

Who was the Laura whom Petrarch immortalized? 1462. What works made Petrarch famous? 1084. What other great poets are glories of Italy? 96, 1873. Are there any Italian dramatists? 1084. What Italian historical product has been translated into most modern

languages? 1084.

Who was the foremost Italian of the seventeenth century? 730. What makes Manzoni's writings valuable literature? 1084.


Who figure in the oldest literature of France? 1625, 368. The earliest writings of the French were of what kind? 1085. What was Provencal? Who were the troubadours? 1944, 1554. What stirred the literature of France during the sixteenth century?


Who was known as the jester of France? 1577. What Frenchman was the first and greatest of essayists? 1254. What is the greatest collection of printed books in the world? 1422,


Who wrote Institute of Christian Religion? 311. What French queen was a considerable author? 1170.