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Love lies a Bleeding

By whoſe mortal wounds you may ſoon underſtand,
What ſorrows wee ſuffer ſince Love left the Land.
To the Tune of, The Cyclops.

Woodcut illustrations.
Lay by your pleading
Love lies a bleeding,
Burn all your Poetry, and throw away your reading,
Piety is painted
and Truth is tainted
Love is a Reprobate, and Shiſm now is Sainted
the Throne Love doth sit on,
wee daily do ſpit on,
It was not thus, I wus, when Betty rul’d in Brittain.
but friendship hath falter’d
Loves Altars are alter’d
And he that is the cauſe, I would his neck were halter’d

When Love did nouriſh,
England did flouriſh,
Till holy hate came in, and made us all ſo curriſh,
now every Widgeon
talks of Religion,
But doth as little good as Mahomet and’s Pigeon
each Coxcomb is ſuiting,
his words for confuting.
but heaven’s ſooner gaind by ſuffering than by diſputing
true friendſhip wee ſmother,
and ſtrike at our Brother,
Apoſtles never went to God by killing one another.

Let Love but warm yee,
Nothing can harm yee,
When love is General, there’s Angels in the Army
Love keeps his Quarters,
and fears no tortures
The braveſt fights are written in the book of Martyrs
could wee be ſo civil,
to do good for evil,
It were the onely happy way to overcome the Devil,
the flowers Love hath watered.
Sedition hath ſcattered
We talk with tongues of holineſs, but act with hearts of hatred

He that doth know mee,
and Love will ſhow me
Hath found the neareſt, nobleſt way to overcome me
he that hath bound me,
and then doth wound me,
Wins not my heart, he doth not conquer but confound me,
in ſuch a condition
Love is a Phyſician,
True Love and Reaſon makes the pureſt Politician,
but ſtrife and confuſion
deceit and deluſion
Though it ſeems to thrive at firſt wil make a ſad concluſion.

The ſecond part, To the ſame Tune

Woodcut illustrations.
Love is a fewel,
A pretious jewel,
’Tis Love muſt ſtinch the blood, when fury fights the duel,
Love is a Bloudſtone
hate is a Toad-ſtone,
Heaven is the North-point, and Love is the Load-ſtone
though fury and ſcorn
Loves Temples have torn.
Hee’l keep his Covenant, and will not bee forſworn,
his Laws do not border,
on ſtrife and diſorder,
He ſcorns to get his wealth by perjury or Murder.

What falſe-hood drew in,
Grace never grew in
Love will not raiſe himſelf upon anothers ruine,
hee can present yee
with peace and plenty
love never advanceth one by throwing down of twenty,
where Love is in ſeaſon
there Truth is, and reaſon
The ſoul of Love is never underlaid with treaſon,
he never doth quarrel
for Princely apparel,
Nor ever fixt a Chair of State upon a barrel.

Love from the dull pit
Of follies full pit
Nev’r took an Anvile out and put it in a Pulpit,
Love is no ſinker,
Truth is no ſlinker,
In mending breaches, Love did never play the Tinkar
where vengeance and luſt is
no truth is, nor truſt is
As will appear at laſt in Gods high court of Juſtice
pitty and remorce is
the ſtrength of Loves forces
Paul never converted men by ſtables fil’d with horſes.

Mercy is fading,
Truth is degrading,
Love is the onely cauſe of Plenty, Peace, & Trading
Love is a fire
made of deſire
Whoſe chief ambition is to heaven to aſpire
it stops the gradation
of fury and paſſion
It governs all good families, & beſt can guide a Nation
the low land; the high land,
& my land and thy land
Grew all in common ſtrait, when love had left this Iland.

Where Peace is panting
And rage is ranting,
’Tis an undoubted ſign the King of Love is wanting,
Father and Mother,
Siſter and Brother
If love be lacking, quickly miſchief one another,
where wrath is, the rod is
that ruines our bodies
With hate the Devil is, but where love is, God is,
then let us not doubt it,
but ſtraight go about it
To bring in love agen, wee cannot live without it.

Then let the Graces
Crown our embraces
And let us ſettle all things in their proper places,
lest Perſecution
cauſe diſſolution,
Let all purloyned wealth bee made a reſtitution
For though now it tickles,
’twill turn all to prickles,
Then let us live in peace & turn our ſwords to ſickles,
When Noah’s Dove was ſent out,
then Gods pardon went out,
They that would have it ſo, I hope will ſay Amen to’t.

London, Printed for F. G. on Snow-hill. Entered according to Order. Finis.