Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2058

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live with little pain or discomfort. In selecting a house for a consumptive, the first great thing is to avoid a damp building, and to choose a dry and porous soil. Consumptives should live plainly, but their food should be nourishing; they must avoid excitement, but cheerful society is of the greatest value; they must not fatigue themselves, but daily exercise is essential; they must not be exposed to too great heat, but cold is even more to be dreaded. They should always wear flannel, and the clothing must at all times be warm. There are a great many health resorts that might be mentioned, but only a few are given here. On the south coast of England, Bournemouth, Torquay and South Devon, Hastings, Ventnor and Penzance are all frequented by consumptives. Abroad, the chief places recommended are the Engadine, St. Moritz, Davos Platz, etc., all Alpine climates, situated 4,500 to 6,000 feet above sea level; and the south coast of France. Latterly much attention has been paid to the open-air treatment of consumption, and several sanatoria have been opened for the purpose throughout the United Kingdom and abroad. This treatment has proved very successful, especially in the earlier stages of the disease—the progress of the disease being arrested, and the patient cured.

A sea voyage to South Africa, Australia or New Zealand is also useful in the early stages of the disease. No better climates can be found for the complete cure of the disease than those of the South African veldt, or the interior of Australia. The coast towns should be avoided, as the conditions there are not much better than those obtaining in English cities. When well advanced, it is unwise to send patients from home. Fat is one of the articles of food to which consumptive patients have a great aversion, and it is to be regretted, for it is to them the most necessary. If they cannot be got to take fat in the ordinary way as food, they should take cod-liver oil, which, indeed, is rather food than medicine. It must be given cautiously and after a meal. When oil cannot be taken by the mouth it may be rubbed into the skin. Hypophosphites have proved useful in this disease. Fellows' syrup is an excellent preparation, and may be given to an adult in doses of a teaspoonful 3 times a day. Oil of eucalyptus is useful; it may be dropped on the sponge of one of Dr. Yeo's respirators and inhaled; 3 to 5 drops may be used at a time. Should bleeding come on, the patient should be kept at rest, and the liquid extract of ergot given in 15 drop doses in water every 2, 3, or 4 hours, according to severity. Ice, if it can be had, should be taken internally. 10 grains of gallic acid with 15 drops of aromatic sulphuric acid may be given every 3 hours instead of the ergot if more convenient. An ice bag may be applied to the side from which the blood is supposed to come. The night-sweats may be relieved by the administration of dilute sulphuric acid in 15 drop doses in water at bedtime, or by 10 drops of tincture of belladonna in water. If diarrhœa is troublesome, 10 to 15 drops of