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I, MANUEL A. TORRES NIEVES, Secretary of the Senate of Puerto Rico,


That the Senate of Puerto Rico, at its meeting of 20 November 2007 approved a final vote of Senate Resolution No. 3603 filed by Mrs. Arce Ferrer and Mr. McClintock Hernandez, which reads as follows:


To recognize and acknowledge the gratefulness of the Senate of Puerto Rico for Mr. Antonio Santiago, for his dedication to the cause of helping spread information about distinguished Puerto Ricans through new media, and in particular, those who have served with distinction in the military.


Antonio Santiago, a Puerto Rican ex-member of the United Status Marine Corps and veteran of the Vietnam conflict, has become an important historian of Puerto Rican military contribution. Over the years, James spread stories of Puerto Rican sacrifice and heroism in the battlefields using the internet and as the editor of the "Puerto Rican Military History Channel" of the monthly cultural magazine El Boricua, and as a writer for the magazine "Somos Rimos" dedicated to spreading the Hispanic heritage.

Born and raised in New York City to Puerto Rican parents, James was admitted to the prestigious Columbia University but chose to enlist in the Marines, serving on active duty from 1969 to 1971 and as a member of the Reserves until 1975. He was in combat in Vietnam. In concluding his military service, he traveled to visit San Juan and then met his future wife, Milly, never returned to New York, living in Puerto Rico for two decades.

After graduating magna cum laude in Business Administration from Universidad Interamericana, James worked as a businessman in Puerto Rico.

Along with his wife Milly, their three children, Nilda, José and Antonio inspired him to research and write about the military exploits of Puerto Rican life, becoming one of the principal contributors of content related to Puerto Rico in the open electronic encyclopedia called Wikipedia.

With the development of new media, we must recognize Puerto Ricans who contribute what is known about distinguished Puerto Ricans through these new electronic media to the world.

Resolved by the SENATE OF PUERTO RICO:

Section 1.- [?] recognize and acknowledge the gratefulness of the Senate of Puerto Rico for Mr. Antonio Santiago, for his dedication to the cause of helping spread information about distinguished Puerto Ricans through new media, and in particular, those who have served with distinction in the military.