Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/75

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

colours, and mixtures, or varieties of colours in the Medias, which we could neuer ſee in the Præcoces, and ſo alſo ſome in the Præcoces, which are not in the Medias: yet there is farre greater varieties of mixture of colours in theſe Medias, then hath been obſerued in all the Præcoces, (although Cluſius ſaith otherwiſe) eyther by my ſelfe, or by any other that I haue conuerſed with about this matter, and all this hath happened by the ſowing of the ſeede, as I ſaid before. I will therefore in this place not trouble you with any further circumſtance, then to diſtinguiſh them, as I haue done in the former early Tulipas, into their foure primary colours, and vnder them, giue you their ſeuerall varieties and names, for ſo much as hath come to my knowledge, not doubting, but that many that haue trauelled in the ſowing of the ſeed of Tulipas many yeares, may obſerue each of them to haue ſome variety that others haue not: and therefore I thinke no one man can come to the knowledge of all particular diſtinctions.

Tulipa media alba. The white meane flowring Tulipa.
1 Niuea, fundo albo vel luteo. 1 A ſnow white, with a white or yellow bottome.
2 Argentea, quaſi alba cineracea fundo luteſcente, purpureis ſtaminibus. 2 A ſiluer colour, that is, a very pale or whitiſh aſhe colour, with a yellowiſh bottome and purple chiues.
3 Margaritina alba, carneo diluteſsima. 3 A Pearle colour, that is, white, with a waſh or ſhew of bluſh.
4 Alba, fundo cæruleo vel nigro. 4 A white, with a blew or blacke bottome.
5 Albida. 5 A Creame colour.
6 Alba, oris rubris.* 6 A white, with red edges.*
7 Alba, purpureis oris.* 7 A white, with purple edges.*
8 Alba, oris coccineis.* 8 A white, with crimſon edges.*
*Hæc tria genera in aliquibus conſtanter tenent oras, in alijs diſpergunt. *Theſe three ſorts doe hold their edges conſtant in ſome, but well ſpread in others.
9 Albida primum, deinde albidior, oris purpureis, & venis intrò reſpicientibus, dicta nobis Hackquenay. 9 A pale or whitiſh yellow, which after a few dayes groweth more white, with purpliſh red edges, and ſome ſtreakes running inward from the edge, which we call an Hackney.
10 Alba, ſanguineo colore variata, fundo vel albiſsimo, vel alio. 10 A white mixed with a bloud red very variably, and with a pure white, or other coloured bottome.
11 Alba, radiatim diſpoſita flammis, & maculis coccineis. 11 A white, ſtreamed with crimſon flames, and ſpots through the whole flower.
12 Alba, purpurea rubedine plumata, diuer{{ls}arum ſpecierum, quæ cum ſuperiore, vel albo, vel luteo, vel paruo cæruleo constant fundo, quæ conſtanter tenent punctatos colores, & non diſpergunt, ſed poſt trium aut quatuor dierum ſpatium pulchriores apparent. 12 A white, ſpeckled with a reddiſh purple, more or leſſe, of diuers ſorts, with white, yellow, or blew bottomes, all which doe hold their markes conſtant, and doe not ſpread their colours, but ſhew fairer after they haue ſtood blown three or foure dayes.
13 Panni argentei coloris, i.e. alba, plumata, punctata, ſtriata, vel diuersimodè variata, rubedine dilutiore, vel ſaturatiore purpurea, interius vel exterius, vel vtrinque, diuerſarum ſpecierum. 13 A cloth of ſiluer of diuers ſorts, that is, a white ſpotted, ſtriped, or otherwiſe marked with red or purple, in ſome paler, in ſome deeper, either on the inſide, or on the outſide, or on both.
14 Tunica morionis alba varia, i.e. ex albo & purpureo ſtriata diuerſimodè, fundo albo vel alio. 14 A white Fooles coate of diuers ſorts, that is, purple or pale crimſon, and white, as it were empaled together, eyther with a white ground or other, whereof there is great variety.
15 Holias alba vel albida, abſque fundo, vel fundo purpureocæruleo, vel cæruleo albo circundato, diuerſè ſignata, vel variata intusad medietatem ſoliorum, ſurſum in orbem vt plurimum, vel ad oras pertingens amplas & albas. Hæ ſpecies tantoperè multiplicantur, vt vix ſint explicabiles. 15 A white Holias, that is, a faire white, or paler white, eyther without a bottome, or with a blewifh purple bottome, or blew and white circling the bottome,