Page:Piti Yindee - Wuffle - Farming Foxxo (2013) - Page 4.jpg

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In the present...

  • Foxxo: *pant* *pant* Why is it so hot outside...?
  • Puipui: Heeheehee, looks like the young fox can't stand the heat.
  • Debbita: This suit rocks! I feel so warm!
  • Foxxo: What are you trying to say, you spikey ball?!
  • Puipui: Ooohh, he's angry!
  • Wuffle: Hey hey, calm down now, Foxxo. You need to be patient if you want to grow plants. It's better to make your plants grow up happy and healthy.
  • Foxxo: *SIGH*