Page:Richard Foster (philanthropist) - obituary.jpg

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Mr. Richard Foster.

The funeral of Mr. Richard Foster, of Holmewood, Chislehurst, took place yesterday in the churchyard of the Parish Church of Chislehurst in the presence of a large gathering of relations, friends, and neighbours who represented some of the religious and philanthropic institutions with which his name has been for many years familiar.

Born in the year 1822, at Stainforth, in Yorkshire, Mr. Foster entered on London business life with his uncles, Messrs. Foster Brothers, of 34, Moorgate-street, and in 1832 he became head of the firm of Knowles and Foster. He was also a director of the London and River Plate Bank (Limited) and of the South Metropolitan Gas Company, as well as of the London Labourers' Dwellings Association. For some time also he was one of the treasurers of the London Hospital and a supporter of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Among other institutions with which was actively connected were the National Society, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, the East London Church Fund, and Bishop of St. Albans' Fund, and to most of these he was a very generous contributor. He not unfrequently advocated the religious needs of Great London under the pseudonym of "A London Merchant."