Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 06.pdf/639

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The Green Bag.

monastery of St. Stephen on Mount Aventine in Rome. Imprisoned in the monastery for past misdeeds, the monk tells the story of his life with rare fervor and impressiveness. The reader's sympathy is enlisted from the opening chapter, and is held to the very end. The translation is exceedingly well done.

brought together are in almost everything "Centu ries Apart," but the author has nevertheless skillfully worked out a very interesting, well written story, one which will hold the reader's attention to the very end.

Lillian Morris and other Stories. By Henry The Bell Ringer of Angels. By Bret Harte. K. Sienkjewicz. Translated from the Polish Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New by Jeremiah Curtin. Little, Brown & Co., York, 1894. Cloth. $1.25. 1894. Cloth. $1.25. The title story of this last volume of Bret Harte-s The readers of this famous author's previous is a graphic picture of early mining life in California, works will hail with delight another volume of depicted as this gifted author alone can portray it. ' stories from his pen. For wonderful power of vivid, Tragedy and pathos are skillfully mingled in its realistic description, Sienkiewicz stands without a recital. The other stories are all in the author's peer among modern writers. Four stories make up best vein, and are equal if not superior to any he the contents of this book. The scene of two of has yet written. The book will add to the countless them is laid in the far west of America. One gives numbers of his admirers. a powerful description of "The Bull Fight," while the fourth is a pathetic story of Polish life. Mr. Not Quite Eighteen. By Sarah Coolidge. Curtin's translation is admirably done, and the Roberts Brothers, Boston, 1894. Cloth. $1.25. author is fortunate in having his work so effectively There is no more popular writer for juvenile readers presented to the American public. The book is than Susan Coolidge, and the sixteen stories in this tastefully bound in white and gold. volume will meet a hearty welcome from a host of youthful admirers. A pure, healthy tone pervades The Kingdom of Coins and the queer people them all, while there is no lack of incident and who lived there. By Bradley Gilman. Illus humor. No better book could be placed in a child's trated by Frank T. Merrill. Roberts hands on Christmas morning. It will serve to make Brothers, Boston, 1894. 60 cents. the day a truly " merry" one. This little story aims at imparting to children and young people certain quaint fancies regarding money, Another Girl's Experience. By Leigh Web ster. Roberts Brothers, Boston, 1894. Cloth. — gold and silver coins — which shall pleasantly hint at the hard facts of earning and spending. The author $1.25. This is an interesting story of the experience of a has made a number of old sayings, "All that glitters young girl, who, weary of her life of household is not gold," "A penny saved is a penny earned," drudgery in the country, accepts the position of " Money makes the mare go," " A bad penny always companion to a wealthy lady in New York. There turns up," etc., the basis of a delightful tale which she unwittingly becomes a prominent actor in a cannot fail to please and interest all youthful readers. robbery of jewels from the lady by whom she is It is just the thing for a Christmas gift. employed, and finally returns to her humble home BOOKS RECEIVED. fully satisfied to take up her old duties again. The book is well written, its moral being that riches do A Century of Charades. By William Bellamy. not always bring happiness. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Cloth. $1.oo. Centuries Apart. By Edward T. Bouve. With Philip and his Wife. By Margaret Deland. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Cloth. $1.25. full-page illustrations by W. St. John Harper. George William Curtis. By Edward Cary. Little, Brown & Co., 1894. Cloth. $1.50. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Cloth. $1.25. Mr. Bouve cannot be accused of any lack of originality in this, we believe, his first essay as a The Story of Lawrence Garthe. By Ellen novelist. The idea of bringing together the laws, Olney Kirk. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Cloth. names, and customs and dress of England during S1. 25. the period of the reign of Henry VII., and of Catherine de Medici. By Honors de Balzac. America during the Civil War, is certainly unique. Translated by Katherine Prescott Wormley. The scene is laid in a hitherto unknown land called Roberts Brothers. Half Russia. $1.50. "South England," and the characters thus strangely