Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 04.pdf/532

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"Not at all, Jedge, — not at all, sir! " cried Erasmus, with alacrity. " De affidavy stands as when fust sworn and subscribed to; but bein' as you know, Jedge, a man of Websterian educa tion, I have added a few trifling codicils to de original dockerment." "Codicils, Erasmus, — what do you mean by codicils?" "Well, Jedge, 1 "11 explain; I 'll give them codi cils to you in the regular order. I 've got the dockerment right here, and I've never let it go out ob my hands since I got it; " and Erasmus drew from over his heart the precious paper. With a grand flourish he read : " • Codicil de fust — Dis co dicil is to certify dat the meanin' and intent of the above insterment is hereby so moderfied an' set aside as to allow the affiant de triflin' indulgence of one cocktail befo' he go to breakfas'.' "Well, Jedge," said Erasmus, lifting his eyes from the paper, " that codicil appear ekal to the requirement of de subscriber for about fo' days; den we had," casting his eyes upon the paper, ' Codicil de Sec'un — De above affidavy an' codicil is hereby affirm an' am to remain in full fo'ce an' effec', 'ceptin' sich sections, claws, an' parts of clawses as would conflic' wid de allowance to de affiant of a appetizer before each meal, bein' tree drinks per diem, be de same more or less.'" Here Erasmus again lifted his eyes from the document, and explained as follows : — "On dis las' codicil de subscriber existed in tol'able comfort about fo' mo' days, when it not bein' found to rise to de hight of all demands, I felt obleged, Jedge, to add : ' Codicil de Third — All de above orginal dockerment an' codicils are hereby proclaimed to be of full fo'ce an' effec', pervided dat no part of dare contents be so con strued as to interfere wid de inherin' right of de undersigned affiant and codicilist to partake of some sich suitable stimerlent as shall, in his judg ment, be deemed necessary to de decent an' proper arousin' of de dorman' energies of his phisical an' mental constitution.'" "And is this the last of the codicils, Erasmus?" "It's de finis, Jedge. It appears to fill all de 'quirements, an' is ekal to all de 'mergencies dat has yet arose." "You say the officer arrested you while you were quietly minding your own business?" "Yes, your honor. He caught me suddenly by


the coat-collar, and threatened to strike me with his club unless I accompanied him to the stationhouse." "You were quietly attending to your own busi ness; making no noise or disturbance of any kind?" "None whatever." "That is very strange. What is your business?" "I 'm a burglar."

Legal Object Lessons. — IV.


NOTES. We note that the "Union law School" of Chi cago, of which Marshall D. Ewell is Dean, has changed its name, and will henceforth be known as "The Kent Law School " of Chicago. The late Mr. Justice Swayne was not without vanity in respect to his classical acquirements. On one occasion, when he was holding the Circuit at Detroit, in a case where Hon. Alfred Russell represented one party, his (Russell's) client was