Page:The Green Eye of the Yellow God (musical score).djvu/3

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\relative c''
  \new PianoStaff
    \new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm 
      { \tag #'lyricrhythm
           c8 c c4 c c8 c  c c c c c4 c8 c \break
           c4 c8 c c c c c c4 r2 c8 c \break
           c8 c c4 c c8 c c4 c8 c c4 c8 c \break
           c4 c8 c r c c8 c c4 s2 c8 c \break
         c8 c c c c4 c8 c c c c c c4 s8 c \break
           c c c c c c c c c2. c8 c
    \new Staff = "vocal"
      \new Voice
        \slurUp\stemUp <gis b,>8\ppp(
        <a c,~> \tieUp <e~ c>2.) e r4 \break
         s1 s \break R1 R \break
         a2( b4 g e) b\rest <e d!>2^> \break
         gis8( a e2.) b'8( c a2.) \break
         \stemNeutral <g f! c>4 b\rest
          <g b dis g> b\rest <g c g'>2. b4\rest
       \new Voice
         \slurDown\stemDown s1 s\break
         s s \break s s \break
         f2( d4 dis) c s s2 \break
         <e c>1 <a e>2 ees \break
    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " "  " "  " " " " " "
          \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }
            " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
            " " " "
          \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } " "
            " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " " " "
           " " " "
           \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } " "
            " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
           \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } " "
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "  " "
          " " " " " "
           \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } " "
          " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
   \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
         \override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0
         known as \markup{\concat{\char ##x2018 "Mad"}}
 \markup{\concat{"Carew" \char ##x2019 }} by the subs at 
"Khat " -- " man " -- " du,"  He was hotter than they felt "in " -- " clined" to tell, But for all his foolish pranks
He was worshipped in the ranks,
And the \markup{\concat{"Colonel" \char ##x2019 "s"}} daughter smiled on him as well.
He had loved her all "a " -- " long"
With the "pas " -- " sion" of the strong,
The fact that she loved him was plain to all,
She was
     \new Staff
        \clef "bass"
        \new Voice
          \voiceOne \relative c
            \slurUp  <e a,>1 c'4.^> b8 b4 r \break
            <a f> r <g! d> r <a e>2. r4 \break
           \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #+2  R1 R1 \break
           \stemDown <c d,>2 g( \stemUp g4) 
           d\rest \stemDown <gis b,>2^> \break
\stemUp <a a,>( <aes aes,> <g g,> <fis fis,>)
 \stemDown    \break
           <g g,>4 d\rest <g f'> d\rest <e' c>1
        \new Voice
          \voiceTwo \relative c
            \slurDown  s1 d2. e,4^. \break
            <c' f,>4 r <b g!> r <g c,>2. r4 \break
             s1 s \break
             s c4 s s2 \break
              s1 s  \break\slurUp s
           \shiftOn \once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.2
c'2( b)        
        \new Voice
          \voiceThree \relative c
            \slurDown  s1 gis'2. s4 \break
   line-width = 17\cm
    \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
    \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"