Page:The Green Eye of the Yellow God (musical score).djvu/9

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\relative c''
  \new PianoStaff
    \new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm 
      { \tag #'lyricrhythm
           c4 c8 c c4 c8 c   c c c c c4 c8 c
           c4 c8 c c4 c  c2. c8 c  
           c c c4 c c8 c c c c4 s4 c8 c
           c4 c c c8 c  c2 s4 c8 c  c4 c c c8 c
    \new Staff = "vocal"
      \new Voice
        {\stemUp \slurDown
\once \override Slur #'control-points = #'((2 . -0.9) (3.5 . -2) (6.5 . -2) (8 . -1))
\once \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #1.15
       aes4( g)
\once \set doubleSlurs = ##t
         <b b,>( <c c,>) \slurUp <d, c>(\< <e c>
         <f c> <g c,>\!)\break
         <gis fis c gis>2^> <a c, fis a,>4^.^-
         <c fis,! c>^.^- <c, d>2( <d b>4)  g \break
      <des g e des'>2^>_\markup{\italic \small
          doloroso. } <c e g c>^>
       <bes f' bes>^>   <aes f' c aes'>^> \break
       <g' d b! g>2^> <f b, f>^> <f c>^> <e c>^>
       e^> <d c>^>
        \new Voice
          { \stemUp\phrasingSlurUp
 \override PhrasingSlur #'control-points = #'((2 . 0.5) (3.5 . 1.8) (6.5 . 1.8) (8 . 0.5))
\once \set doubleSlurs = ##t
        <f' b,! f>4^^\((<e! c e,!>)\)
       s2 s1 \break s s \break s s \break
         \new Voice
          { \stemDown
            s2 <g, e?>2 s1\break
             s s \break s s \break s s s \break
    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
          \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } " "   " "   " "  " "   " "  " "  " "  " "   " "  " "  " "  " "
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  }  " " " " " "  " "  " "  " " " "
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } "  " "  "  "  "  "  " "  "  "  " "  "  "  "  "  " "  "
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } "  " "  "  "  "   "  " "  "  "  "  "  " "  "  "  " "  "  "  "  "  "
   \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
         ugly knife lay buried in the heart of
         Mad \once \override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0 Ca -- rew. \markup{\concat{\char ##x2019 "Twas"}} the \markup{\concat{\char ##x2018 "Vengeance"}} of the Little Yellow  \markup{\concat{"God." \char ##x2019 ""}} 
  \markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a "one " -- " eyed" yellow idol to the north of
         Khatmandu, \markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a little marble cross below
         the town, \markup{\concat{"There" \char ##x2019 "s"}} a broken -- hearted woman tends the
     \new Staff
        \clef "bass"
        \new Voice
          \voiceOne \relative c'
            <c,, c,>2^> <e e,>2^> 
          \stemDown <f f,>2.
            <ees ees,>4 \break\stemUp
          <d d,>2. <d d,>4 \stemDown\tieDown
          <g g,>2~ <g g,>4 f4\rest \break
          <c' c,>2^> <bes' g c,> <c, c,>^> <f c>
           \break <c c,>^> <c d> \stemDown
             <c c,> <c e> <f, f,> f\break
        \new Voice
          \voiceTwo \relative c
\override Stem #'cross-staff = ##t
\override Stem #'length = #16
             s1 <aes' d,>4 <aes e> f g\break
             s1 <d f!>2~ <d f>4 g\break
              s1 s \break
              s <f g>2 <e g> <e f aes> <d aes'!>
         \new Voice
              s1 s \break s s \break s s \break
              s s s \break
  short-indent = 0\cm
  line-width = 17\cm
    \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
    \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

\relative c''
  \new PianoStaff
    \new Devnull="nowhere" \keepWithTag #'lyricrhythm 
      { \tag #'lyricrhythm
           c8 c c c c4 c8 c c4 c8 c8 c4 c c1
           c1 c c c
    \new Staff = "vocal"
      \new Voice
       <g g,>1 f4^.^- e8^.^- c^.^- d2 e1^^^\markup{\italic \small
          "Piu mosso." }
       <e a c e>2^^\fz  <d a' c d>^^
        e1^^ <e aes b e>2^>_\markup{\italic \small rit.} <d aes' b d>^>
        b'4\rest_\markup{\italic \small Lento.}  \stemDown <g c e g>2.\ppp\fermata\bar "|."
         \new Voice
    \stemDown d2_^ c_^ <c f,> c4( b) a2_^( g_^)\break
         \new Voice
          { \stemDown
           s1 s8 s8_\markup{\italic \small
          "molto riten." } s4 s2 s s4^\> s4\!
           \break \slurDown
           s1 a2(^\> g)\!\break
    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
         \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } "  " "  "  "  "  "  " "  "  "  " "  "  "  "  "  " "  " "  " " " 
        \markup{ \with-color #white ^  } "  " "  "  "  "  
   \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "vocal" }
       \lyricsto "nowhere"
        grave of Mad
 \once \override LyricHyphen #'height = 0.0 
  Ca -- rew, And the Yellow God for ever gazes
     \new Staff
        \clef "bass"
        \new Voice
          \voiceOne \relative c'
         \stemUp <e,, e,>2 e d <g g,> <c, e'>1
\acciaccatura{b'8}c4 c2 c4
 g( c2) c4  \acciaccatura{b8}c4 c2 c4
\stemDown   <c, c,>_\ppp <g'' c e>2.\fermata\break
         \new Voice
s1 s2 \shiftOn \once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.5 f2 
 g,4( c2) c4\break
           f,1 \shiftOn\once\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-1.0 <c e'> f s\break

  short-indent = 0\cm
  line-width = 17\cm
    \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
    \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"