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The Holly & the Ivy.

THE holly and the ivy,
Now are both well grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood,
The holly bears the crown.

The rising of the sun,
The running of the deer,
The playing of the merry groan,
Sweet singing in the choir.

The holly bears a bloſſom,
As white as the lilly flower,
And Mary bore ſweet Jeſus Chriſt'
To be our Sweet Saviour.

The riſing, &c.

The holly bears a berry,
As red as any blood;
And Mary bore ſweet Jeſus Chriſt,
To do poor ſinners good.

The riſing, &c.

The holly bears a prickle,
As ſharp as any thorn,
And Mary bore ſweet Jeſus Chriſt,
On Chriſtmas day in the morn,

The riſing, &c.

The holly bears a bark,
As bitter as any gall,
And Mary bore ſweet Jeſus Chriſt,
For to redeem us all.

The rising, &c.

The holly & the ivy,
Now are well grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood,
The holly bears the crown.

The riſing, &c.

D Wrighton 86 Snow-Hill Birmingham.

Twelve Articles.

ONE GOD there is, in wisdom, glory might;
One faith there is, to guide our Souls aright;
One Truth there is for Man to practice in,
One Baptism, to cleanse our Souls from sin.

Two TESTAMENTS there are, the OLD and NEW,
Wherein the Law & Gospel thou may'st view;
The one for Words & Deeds, doth precepts give,
The other faith,—The Just by faith shall live.

Three persons in the glorious Trinity,
Make one true GOD in perfect unity;
The Father, Son, & Holy Ghost, these three,
For ever equal & eternal be.

Four most divine & righteous holy men,
They did the Life of our Redeemer Pen;
Twas Matthew, Mark, nay Luke & John, likewise,
Whose righteous truths let ev'ry Christian prize.

Five ſences do to ev'ry man pertain,
A governing of power, Rule, & Reign;
The hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling,
Which at thy death shall leave thee & their Dwelling.

Six days, O man, we have to labour in,
So merciful & good our GOD has been;
Of seven, to himself he takes but one,
Then rob him not of that, to leave him none.

Seven lib'ral Arts, by a divine decree,
Unto Man's knowing soul united be;
Rhetoric; grammar, musick, geometry,
Arthmetic, logic, & astronomy.

Eight persons in the ark of Noah were,
When GOD the old World would no longer spare;
Sin did abound, therefore all flesh he drown'd,
Which in that Ship of safety was not found.

Nine Muses do their harmonious Voices raise,
With Joy to sing our dear Redeemer's praise,
From whose good hands all blessings daily flow,
To us poor mortals who live here below.

Ten strict Commandments we should sure obey,
But ah! how apt are we to run astray!
And break them all, our folly to pursue,
As though we did not fear what GOD could do.

Eleven Disciples did with JESUS pray,
While Judas did the SON of GOD betray,
For avarice of greedy gain he fell,
To be perdition's child, condemn'd to hell.

Twelve tribes there were, among the Fathers of old,
Twelve articles the Christian-Faith doth hold,
Twelve Gates in New Jerusalem there be,
Unto which City, CHRIST bring you & me.

Printed, by D. Wrighton, 86, Snow Hill, Birmingham.