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How Great Men Succeed



Things do not happen by chance. Good fortune is not the result of good luck; and great achievements do not appear of themselves. There is a law back of and underneath all exceptional accomplishments, and great men are successful largely because they know how to apply that law. In this book that important law is fully explained, and in language that all can understand. Get it to-day. It will not only prove a living inspiration to you every day of your life, but will also give you invaluable information on a subject with which every man must be familiar to be true to himself.

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Mastery of Self



There can be no greater achievement than the complete control of self. It is self-control that makes man noble, strong, masterful, and superior. And it is self-control that gives man the ability to use the greater powers and talents in his possession. Before man can control his faculties, his forces, his circumstances, and his destiny, he must control himself. And he who can control himself has it in his power to gain every victory that his future advancement may work for or desire. But in order to gain self-control we must build upon the real principle of self-mastery, and understand how that principle may be applied in all the workings of everyday life. This book will explain the principle, and tell you exactly how to apply that principle under every circumstance.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼ 91 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.


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