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it off a minute, so I could just take away one more look of you—like you were at the movies when you let me—when we got acquainted, you know——"

Reba cast down her eyes.

"People would wonder why," she objected in a low voice.

"I suppose so," he agreed, and urged no more.

"Of course—if you want me to—but—but it seems——"

"Oh, never mind—never mind."

Suddenly Reba sat down, raised both her hands and took off her hat with a little determined jerk. "There!" she said, all aflush.

There was an intimacy, a sweet familiarity about her bared forehead and the outline of her uncovered head that Nathan had taken deep pleasure in, in the crowded theater. His long silent contemplation of her now, as she sat bare-headed before him in the station, was his farewell caress.

"Thanks—for letting me," he said after a moment.

Reba pinned on her hat and stood up again, Nathan rising too this time.

"Well, I guess I better run now for the elevated," she said. "It's getting later and later needn't come. I know the way. It's just up those steps out there. I think you better not come."

"All right."

There was a pause. "Good-by," jerkily Reba ejaculated.

"Good-by," Nathan replied quietly, not offering even to shake hands.

Reba hesitated. Was this to be their parting? A sudden fear that the significance of their marriage had