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who had stooped to him, had replied, "I savvy about its being a secret between you and me, as well as between us and the world. All right, if that's the way you'd like it. I guess I catch on, and you won't have cause to remind me again, I hope." Then to prove to her how sincere was his intention, "San Francisco is a fine city," he went on; and the rest of the letter, even to the, "So good-by. Nathan," was so like Reba's own blue notes in everything but color and handwriting that at the end of it she whispered to herself softly, hopefully, "Oh, perhaps it will be all right, after all. With him always following the sea, and me always here. So many miles between! He must be as far as the South Sea Islands by now! So far off! Oh, perhaps we can keep it a secret for years and years—longer than just three. Perhaps for always, if we both want to!" suddenly it flashed across her.