Page:The constitution of Japan - with the laws pertaining thereto, and the imperial oath and speech. Promulgated at the Imperial palace, February 11th, 1889 (IA cu31924023459880).pdf/19

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The Secretaries shall compile the records of debates, make drafts of other documents and manage business generally.

Required functionaries other than Secretaries shall be appointed by the Chief-Secretary.

Article XVIII.—The expenses of both Houses shall be defrayed out of the National Treasury.

Chapter III.—The Annual Allowances to the President, Vice President and Members.

Article XIX.—The Presidents of the respective Houses shall receive each an annual allowance of four thousand yen and the Vice-Presidents, that of two thousand yen each; while such Members of the House of Peers as have been elected thereto, and such as have been nominated thereto by the Emperor, and Members of the House of Representatives, shall each receive an annual allowance of eight hundred yen. They shall also receive travelling expenses in accordance with regulations to be specially provided. Members, however, who do not comply with the summons of convocation, shall receive no annual allowance.

The Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Members shall not be allowed to decline their respective annual allowances.

Members, who are in the service of the Government, shall receive no such annual allowances.

In the case mentioned in Article XXV., the Members concerned shall receive, in addition to the annual allowance mentioned in the first clause of the present Article, an allowance of not more than five yen per diem, in accordance with the schedule determined by the respective Houses.

Chapter IV.—Committees.

Article XX.—Committees shall be of three kinds, a Committee of the Whole House, and Standing and Special Committees.

The Committee of the Whole House is composed of the whole number of the Members of the House.

The Standing Committees shall be divided into several branches according to the requirements of business; and in order to engage in the examination of matters falling within its province, the several Sections shall, from among the Members of the House, respectively elect an equal number of members to the Standing Committeeeship. The term of the Standing Committeeship shall last during a single session only.

The Special Committees shall be chosen by the House and specially entrusted with the examination of a certain particular matter.

Article XXI.—The Chairman of the Committee of the Whole House shall be elected for each session at the beginning of the same.

The Chairman of both the Standing and Special Committees shall be respectively elected at the meetings of the Committees, by and from among the members thereof.