Page:The guide to the celebrated places in Kiyoto & the surrounding places - 42 Kamogawa.jpg

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The river Kamogawa is formed of the collections of Kibune Iwayagawa, which come out from the northernhills.

It runs down the eastern part of this city through the bridges, Nijio, Sanjio, Shijio and Gojio, and at last Kamogawa flows into Yodogawa west side of Yodo. When it rains for a long time in the Autumn its embankment of the river overflows very soon and breaks the bridges and deserts the fields so that nothing is left for the farmers. This river is celebrated for the bleaching of the linen and cotton goods which is done to on great extend of the dry part of the riverded. Kamogawa also feeds a small canal called Takashe, which runs from Nijio the second bridgeto Fushimi. This canal is very shallow but a great many goods are turn ported on it by particularly built small boats.

Also a few passenger boats are plying between Fushimi and Kiyoto.