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such elections shall be held and conducted, and returns made thereof the manner and form prescribed by law. for the general elections.

Vacancies in members of General AssembySec. 36. Be it further enacted, etc., That whenever the seat of any senator or representatives shall become vacant and there shall be a session of the General Assembly then sitting or to be held before the next general election, it shall be the duty of the Governor, within five days after being officially informed of such vacancy, to issue his writ of election, directed to the supervisors of registration in and for the parish or parishes in which such vacancy may exist, whose duty it shall be, within three days after its receipt, to give public notice that an election will be held to fill such vacancy a day to be named by them, which day shall not be less than eight nor more than fifteen days after the publication of such notice, if such election be held during or within fifteen days next preceding a session of the General Assembly, but if not, then the election shall be held not less than twenty nor more than thirty days after the publication of such notice, and shall be held and conducted, and the returns thereof made in the manner and form provided by law for general elections.

The vote.Sec. 37 Be it further enacted, etc., That in all future elections for senators, representatives, sheriffs, coroners, clerks of the district courts and other officers, if there should be an equal number of votes given to two or more candidates for the same office, the election for such office or offices thus not filled shall be again returned to the people in the parish or district, as the case may be, public notice of ten days to be first given in the same manner as in the general elections.

Election act specifiedSec. 38. Be it further enacted, etc., That the provisions of this act, except as to the time of holding elections, shall apply in the election of all officers whose election is not otherwise provided for.

Proclamation of electionSec. 39. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be the duty of the Governor, at least six weeks before every general election, to issue his proclamation, giving notice thereof, which shall be published in the official journal of the State, and copies thereof forwarded to the several supervisors of registration throughout the State.

Notices of electionSec. 40. Be it further enacted, etc., That notice of every general election held under the provisions of this act shall be given at least thirty days before the election, by notices posted up in each precinct, or if there be an official newspaper published in the parish, by publishing the notice in such paper.

Drinking saloons.Sec. 41. Be it further enacted, etc., That the supervisors of registration, or commissioners of election, shall, on the day of election, close all drinking saloons, dram shops, groggeries or places where liquor is sold by the glass or bottle, situated within a radius of two miles of any poll or voting place. And said supervisors or commissioners of election shall have the power to call on any sheriff constable or police officer to enforce this regulation. If such sheriff constable or police officer shall refuse to obey any order issued under the authority of this section, the commissioner or supervisor giving the order shall summarily arrest and imprison such sheriff, constable or police officer, such imprisonment not to extend beyond the hour of closing the polls. And such sheriff constable or police officer so refusing to obey such order shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six months, nor less than three months, and by a fine of not more than ($500) five hundred dollars, nor less than ($100) one hundred dollars.