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S/RES/1801 (2008)

Reiterating its appreciation of the efforts of the international community, in particular the African Union, as well as the League of Arab States, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the European Union, to promote peace, stability and reconciliation in Somalia, and welcoming their continued engagement,

Recalling that cooperation between the United Nations and the regional arrangements in matters relating to the maintenance of peace and security, as are appropriate for regional action, is an integral part of collective security as provided for in the Charter of the United Nations,

Welcoming the communiqué of the African Union Peace and Security Council of 18 January 2008, which states that the African Union will extend the mandate of its mission to Somalia (AMISOM) for an additional six months,

Emphasizing the contribution that AMISOM and its Ugandan and Burundian contingents are making to lasting peace and stability in Somalia, including the important work that the Ugandan forces have carried out in providing medical care for Somali citizens, condemning any hostility towards them, and urging all parties in Somalia and the region to support and cooperate with AMISOM,

Welcoming the sustained commitment of the Government of Uganda to supporting the efforts of AMISOM over the last year and to the Government of Burundi for its recent deployment, Taking note of the Secretary-General’s report on Somalia of 7 November 2007 (S/2007/658), in particular paragraph 32, and expressing its appreciation for his support of AMISOM,

Underlining that the full deployment of AMISOM will help facilitate the full withdrawal of other foreign forces from Somalia and help create the conditions for lasting peace and stability there,

Noting that the communiqué of the African Union Peace and Security Council of 18 January 2008 calls for the United Nations to deploy a peacekeeping operation to Somalia that will support the long-term stabilization and post-conflict restoration in the country,

Recalling the request in its statement of 19 December 2007 (S/PRST/2007/49) that the Secretary-General report to the Security Council on the development of contingency plans for the possible deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping operation to succeed AMISOM, as set out in resolution 1772 (2007),

Determining that the situation in Somalia continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Decides to renew the authorization of Member States of the African Union to maintain a mission in Somalia for a further period of six months, which shall be authorized to take all necessary measures as appropriate to carry out the mandate set out in paragraph 9 of resolution 1772 (2007) and underlines, in particular, that AMISOM is authorized to take all necessary measures as appropriate to provide security for key infrastructure and to contribute, as may be requested and within its capabilities, to the creation of the necessary security conditions for the provision of humanitarian assistance;