Page:Vindication Women's Rights (Wollstonecraft).djvu/21

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  1. Page
  2. Introduction17
  3. CHAP.I.
  4. The rights and involved duties of mankind conſidered27
  5. CHAP.II.
  6. The prevailing opinion of a ſexual character diſcuſſed39
  7. CHAP.III.
  8. The ſame ſubject continued71
  9. CHAP.IV.
  10. Obſervations on the ſtate of degradation to which woman is reduced by various cauſes94
  11. CHAP.V.
  12. Animadverſions on ſome of the writers who have rendered women objects of pity, bordering on contempt138
  13. CHAP.VI.
  14. The effect which an early aſſociation of ideas has upon the character203