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The Tempeſt.

Trin. Lord, quoth he? that a Monſter ſhould be ſuch a Naturall?

Cal, Loe, loe againe: bite him to death I prethee.

Ste. Trinculo, keepe a good tongue in your head: If
you proue a mutineere, the next Tree: the poore Mon-
ſter's my ſubiect, and he ſhall not ſuffer indignity.

Cal. I thanke my noble Lord. Wilt thou be pleas'd
to hearken once againe to the ſuite I made to thee?

Ste. Marry will I: kneele, and repeate it,
I will ſtand, and ſo ſhall Trinculo.

Enter Ariell inuiſible.

Cal. As I told thee before, I am ſubiect to a Tirant,
A Sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me
Of the Iſland.

Ariell. Thou lyeſt.

Cal. Thou lyeſt, thou ieſting Monkey thou:
I would my valiant Maſter would deſtroy thee.
I do not lye.

Ste. Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in's tale,
By this hand, I will ſupplant ſome of your teeth.

Trin. Why, I ſaid nothing.

Ste. Mum then, and no more: proceed.

Cal. I ſay by Sorcery he got this Iſle
From me, he got it. If thy Greatneſſe will
Reuenge it on him, (for I know thou dar'ſt)
But this Thing dare not.

Ste. That's moſt certaine.

Cal. Thou ſhalt be Lord of it, and Ile ſerue thee.

Ste. How now ſhall this be compaſt?
Canſt thou bring me to the party?

Cal. Yea, yea my Lord, Ile yeeld him thee aſleepe,
Where thou maiſt knocke a naile into his head.

Ariell. Thou lieſt, thou canſt not.

Cal. What a py'de Ninnie's this? Thou ſcuruy patch:
I do beſeech thy Greatneſſe give him blowes,
And take his bottle from him: When that's gone,
He ſhall drinke nought but brine, for Ile not ſhew him
Where the quicke Freſhes are.

Ste. Trinculo, run into no further danger:
Interrupt the Monſter one word further, and by this
hand, Ile turne my mercie out o’doores, and make a
Stockfiſh of thee.

Trin. Why, what did I? I did nothing:
Ile go farther off.

Ste. Didſt thou not ſay he lyed?

Ariell. Thou lieſt.

Ste. Do I lo? Take thou that,
As you like this, giue me the lye another time.

Trin. I did not giue the lie: Out o'your wittes, and
hearing too?
A pox o’your bottle, this can Sacke and drinking doo:
A murren on your Monſter, and the diuell take your

Cal. Ha, ha, ha.

Ste. Now forward with your Tale: prethee ſtand
further off.

Cal. Beate him enough: after a little time
Ile beate him too.

Ste. Stand farther: Come proceede.

Cal. Why, as I told thee, 'tis a cuſtome with him
I'th afternoone to ſleepe: there thou maiſt braine him,
Hauing firſt ſeiz'd his bookes: Or with a logge
Batter his skull, or paunch him with a ſtake,
Or cut his wezand with thy knife. Remember
Firſt to poſſeſſe his Bookes; for without them
Hee's but a Sot, as I am; nor hath not
One Spirit to command: they all do hate him
As rootedly as I. Burne but his Bookes,
He ha's braue Vtenfils (for ſo he calles them)
Which when he ha's a houſe, hee'l decke withall.
And that moſt deeply to conſider, is
The beautie of his daughter: he himſelfe
Cals her a non-pareill: I neuer ſaw a woman
But onely Sycorax my Dam, and ſhe;
But ſhe as farre ſurpaſſeth Sycorax,
As great'ſt do's leaſt.

Ste. Is it ſo braue a Laſſe?

Cal. I Lord, ſhe will become thy bed, I warrant,
And bring thee forth braue brood.

Ste. Monſter, I will kill this man: his daughter and
I will be King and Queene, ſaue our Graces: and Trin-
culo and thy ſelfe ſhall be Vice-royes:
Doft thou like the plot Trinculo?

Trin. Excellent.

Ste. Giue me thy hand, I am ſorry I beate thee:
But while thou liu'ſt keepe a good tongue in thy head.

Cal. Within this halfe houre will he be aſleepe,
Wilt thou deſtroy him then?

Ste. I on mine honour.

Ariell. This will I tell my Maſter.

Cal. Thou mak'ſt me merry: I am full of pleaſure,
Let vs be iocond. Will you troule the Catch
You taught me but whileare?

Ste. At thy requeſt Monſter, I will do reaſon,
Any reaſon: Come on Trinculo, let vs ſing.


Flout'em, and cout'em: and skowt'em, and flout'em,
Thought is free.

Cal. That's not the tune.

Ariell plaies the tune on a Tabor and Pipe.

Ste. What is this ſame?

Trin. This is the tune of our Catch, plaid by the pic-
ture of No-body.

Ste. If thou beeft a man, ſhew thy felfe in thy likenes:
If thou beeſt a diuell, take't as thou liſt.

Trin. O forgive me my ſinnes.

Ste. He that dies payes all debts: I defie thee;
Mercy vpon vs.

Cal. Art thou affeard?

Ste. No Monſter, not I.

Cal. Be not affeard, the Iſle is full of noyſes,
Sounds, and ſweet aires, that giue delight and hurt not:
Sometimes a thouſand twangling Inſtruments
Will hum about mine eares; and ſometime voices,
That if I then had wak'd after long ſleepe,
Will make me ſleepe againe, and then in dreaming,
The clouds methought would open, and ſhew riches
Ready to drop vpon me, that when I wak'd
I cri'de to dreame againe.

Ste. This will proue a braue kingdome to me,
Where I ſhall have my Muficke for nothing.

Cal. When Proſpero is deſtroy'd.

Ste. That ſhall be by and by:
I remember the ſtorie.

Trin. The ſound is going away,
Lets follow it, and after do our worke.

Ste. Leade Monſter,
Wee'l follow: I would I could ſee this Taborer,
He layes it on.

Trin. Wilt come?
Ile follow Stephano.Exeunt.
