Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Partridge, John (fl.1566)

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946346Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 43 — Partridge, John (fl.1566)1895Ronald Bayne

PARTRIDGE, JOHN (fl. 1566), translator and poet, was author of: 1. ‘The worthie Hystorie of the most noble and valiaunt knight Plasidas, otherwise called Eustas, who was martyred for the profession of Jesus Christ. Gathered in English by John Partridge in the yere of our Lord 1566. Imprinted at London by Henrye Denham, for Thomas Hacket,’ 8vo, pp. 70, b.l. This is a versification, in fourteen-syllable verse, of a story found in Caxton's ‘Golden Legend’ (fo. 331 verso, 1st ed.), and in the ‘Gesta Romanorum’ (ch. cx., Roxburghe Club ed.). A prose letter is prefixed to ‘Arthur Dwabene, Marchaunt venturer,’ by ‘his servaunte and dayly oratour John Partridge.’ The poem has been edited by J. P. Collier in vol. iii. of his ‘Illustrations of Old English Literature,’ privately printed in 1866, and by H. G. Gibbs in 1873 for the Roxburghe Club in the ‘Hystorie of the Moste Noble knight Plasidas and other rare pieces: collected into one book by Samuel Pepys, and forming part of the Pepysian Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge.’ The book consists of several tracts bound together by Pepys. 2. ‘The notable Hystorie of two famous Princes of the worlde, Astianax and Polixena: wherin is set forth the cursed treason of Caulcas. Very pleasaunt and delectable to reade. Gathered in English verse by John Partridge in the yeare 1566. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham for Thomas Hacket. Mensis Maii. 7,’ 8vo, b.l. 3. ‘The most famouse and worthie Historie of the worthy Lady Pandavola, daughter to the mighty Paynim the greate Turke. Imprinted at London by Thomas Purfoote,’ 1566, 8vo, b.l. An inserted ‘Song made by the Translator’ proves this a translation, as is implied also in verses at the end of the poem addressed to ‘Thomas Baynam, his friende,’ by the author. The poem is in fourteen-syllable verse, and is included in the volume of Pepys already mentioned. 4. ‘The Ende and Confession of John Felton the rank Traytor, who set up the traytorous Bull on the Bishop of London's Gate. Who suffered before the same Gate for High-Treason against the Queenes Majestie, the 8 day of August 1579. With an Exhortation to the Papists to take heed of the like. By J. Partridge,’ London, 1570, 8vo, b.l. This is reprinted in Morgan's ‘Phœnix Britannicus’ (i. 415). 5. ‘The treasurie of commodious Conceites and hidden secrets. Commonly called the good Huswives Closet of provision for the health of her household. Meete and necessarie for the profitable use of all estates. Gathered out of sundry Experiments lately practised by men of great knowledge, and now the fourth tyme corrected and inlarged, with divers necessary and new editions. Printed by Richard Ihones,’ London, 1584. The first edition was in 1573, the second in 1580, and there was a fifth in 1586. Partridge dedicates it in a prose letter to ‘Master Richard Wistow, Gentleman, one of the Assistants of the Companie of the Barbers and Surgions,’ and he probably supplied the printer's fourteen-syllable verses to ‘good huswives;’ they mention fourpence as the price of the book.

[Collier's Biographical Account of Early English Literature, ii. 117–22; Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, ix. 128; Arber's Stationers' Registers, i. 308, 309, 331; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. ed. Herbert, pp. 1040, 1043, and the reprints of Collier and Gibbs.]