Poems (Carmichael)/California

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For works with similar titles, see California.
4516971Poems — CaliforniaSarah Elizabeth Carmichael

Cheer for the queen of the western wave!—
Where the sunbeams walk on a golden pave,
And the moonlight hides in a silver cave—
Where the day that comes to this land of ours
Finds the brightest gems and the rarest flowers;
Where the lingering day, when it must depart,
Leaves the last red pulse of a broken heart—

Cheer for the Italy of the West!
With a wide, warm heart in a jeweled vest,
And a regal brow by a rose crown pressed—
From the burning gold of her shining sand
Is the scepter forged for the nation's hand,
And the sword that cancels a traitor's guilt
Hath her diamond stars in its flashing hilt—

Cheer for the coast where the billows sing!
The proudest plume of an eagle wing;
The brightest ray of a starry ring—
Pouring the wealth of her yellow veins,
And her ruby gems, on the battle plains—
True, to the core of her deep, warm breast
All hail! thou beautiful queen of the West—