United States Code/Title 42/Chapter 82

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The Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6901–6992k) consists of title II of Public Law 89–272 and the amendments made by subsequent enactments. This Act is popularly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, after the short title of the law that amended the Solid Waste Disposal Act in its entirety in 1976 (P.L. 94–580). See Title 42, Chapter 82 in the Cornell Law School U.S. Code Collection

629262United States CodeTitle 42, Chapter 82. Solid Waste Disposalthe United States Government
Title 42 — The Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 82 — Solid Waste Disposal

This title (hereinafter in this title referred to as ‘‘this Act’’), together with the following table of contents, may be cited as the ‘‘Solid Waste Disposal Act’’:

Subtitle A—General Provisions

  • § 6901. Congressional findings.
  • § 6902. Objectives.
  • § 6903. Definitions.
  • § 6904. Governmental cooperation.
  • § 6905. Application of Act and integration with other Acts.
  • § 6906. Financial disclosure.
  • § 6907. Solid waste management information and guidelines.

Subtitle B—Office of Solid Waste; Authorities of the Administrator

  • § 6911. Office of Solid Waste and Interagency Coordinating Committee.
  • § 6912. Authorities of Administrator.
  • § 6913. Resource recovery and conservation panels.
  • § 6914. Grants for discarded tire disposal.
  • § 6914a. Labeling of certain oil.
  • § 6915. Annual report.
  • § 6916. General authorization.

Subtitle C—Hazardous Waste Management

  • § 6921. Identification and listing of hazardous waste.
  • § 6922. Standards applicable to generators of hazardous waste.
  • § 6923. Standards applicable to transporters of hazardous waste.
  • § 6924. Standards applicable to owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities.
  • § 6925. Permits for treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste.
  • § 6926. Authorized State hazardous waste programs.
  • § 6927. Inspections.
  • § 6928. Federal enforcement.
  • § 6929. Retention of State authority.
  • § 6930. Effective date.
  • § 6931. Authorization of assistance to States.
  • § 6933. Hazardous waste site inventory.
  • § 6934. Monitoring, analysis, and testing.
  • § 6935. Restrictions on recycled oil.
  • § 6936. Expansion during interim status.
  • § 6937. Inventory of Federal Agency hazardous waste facilities.
  • § 6938. Export of hazardous waste.
  • § 6939. Domestic sewage.
  • § 6939a. Exposure information and health assessments.
  • § 6939b. Interim control of hazardous waste injection.
  • § 6939c. Mixed waste inventory reports and plan.
  • § 6939d. Public vessels.
  • § 6939e. Federally owned treatment works.

Subtitle D—State or Regional Solid Waste Plans

  • § 6941. Objectives of subtitle.
  • § 6942. Federal guidelines for plans.
  • § 6943. Minimum requirements for approval of plans.
  • § 6944. Criteria for sanitary landfills; sanitary landfills required for all disposal.
  • § 6945. Upgrading of open dumps.
  • § 6946. Procedure for development and implementation of State plan.
  • § 6947. Approval of State plan; Federal assistance.
  • § 6948. Federal assistance.
  • § 6949. Rural communities assistance.
  • § 6949a. Adequacy of certain guidelines and criteria.

Subtitle E—Duties of the Secretary of Commerce in Resource and Recovery

  • § 6951. Functions.
  • § 6952. Development of specifications for secondary materials.
  • § 6953. Development of markets for recovered materials.
  • § 6954. Technology promotion.
  • § 6955. Nondiscrimination requirement.
  • § 6956. Authorization of appropriations.

Subtitle F—Federal Responsibilities

  • § 6961. Application of Federal, State, and local law to Federal facilities.
  • § 6962. Federal procurement.
  • § 6963. Cooperation with Environmental Protection Agency.
  • § 6964. Applicability of solid waste disposal guidelines to executive agencies.

Subtitle G—Miscellaneous Provisions

  • § 6971. Employee protection.
  • § 6972. Citizen suits.
  • § 6973. Imminent hazard.
  • § 6974. Petition for regulations; public participation.
  • § 6975. Separability.
  • § 6976. Judicial review.
  • § 6977. Grants or contracts for training projects.
  • § 6978. Payments.
  • § 6979. Labor standards.
  • § 6979b. Law enforcement authority.

Subtitle H—Research, Development, Demonstration, and Information

  • § 6981. Research, demonstrations, training, and other activities.
  • § 6982. Special studies; plans for research, development, and demonstrations.
  • § 6983. Coordination, collection, and dissemination of information.
  • § 6984. Full-scale demonstration facilities.
  • § 6985. Special study and demonstration projects on recovery of useful energy and materials.
  • § 6986. Grants for resource recovery systems and improved solid waste disposal facilities.
  • § 6987. Authorization of appropriations.

Subtitle I—Regulation of Underground Storage Tanks

  • § 6991. Definitions.
  • § 6991a. Notification.
  • § 6991b. Release detection, prevention, and correction regulations.
  • § 6991c. Approval of State programs.
  • § 6991d. Inspections, monitoring, and testing.
  • § 6991e. Federal enforcement.
  • § 6991f. Federal facilities.
  • § 6991g. State authority.
  • § 6991h. Study of underground storage tanks.
  • § 6991i. Operator training
  • § 6991j. Use of funds for release prevention and compliance
  • § 6991k. Delivery prohibition
  • § 6991l. Tanks on tribal lands
  • § 6991m. Authorization of appropriations.

Subtitle J—Demonstration Medical Waste Tracking Program

  • § 6992. Scope of demonstration program for medical waste.
  • § 6992a. Listing of medical wastes.
  • § 6992b. Tracking of medical waste.
  • § 6992c. Inspections.
  • § 6992d. Enforcement.
  • § 6992e. Federal facilities.
  • § 6992f. Relationship to State law.
  • § 6992h. Health impact report.
  • § 6992i. General provisions.
  • § 6992j. Effective date.
  • § 6992k. Authorization of appropriations.

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