Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Ridevall, John de

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664845Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 48 — Ridevall, John de1896Charles Lethbridge Kingsford

RIDEVALL or RIDEVANS, JOHN de (fl. 1330), Franciscan, was fifty-fourth divinity reader of his order at Oxford (Monumenta Franciscana, i. 554). Some authorities have incorrectly described him as an Augustinian friar. He is also called John de Musca. The following extant works are attributed to him: 1. ‘Lectura super Apocalypsi’ (MS. Venice St. Mark, Class I. Cod. 139, ff. 110–119). 2. ‘Commentarius super Fulgencium … a fratre J. de Ridevall,’ inc. ‘Intencio venerabilis viri’ (MSS. Univ. Cambr. Ii., ii. 20, ff. 121–62, and Mm. i. 18, § 6, Worcester Cathedral Library, 154, and Venice St. Mark, Class I. Cod. 139, ff. 121–36. 3. ‘In Valerium ad Rufinum de uxore non ducenda’ (a little piece by Walter Map [q. v.], but sometimes attributed to St. Jerome), inc. ‘Loqui perhibeor’ (MSS. Univ. Cambr. Mm. i. 18, § 5, and Lambeth, 330). These two commentaries seem to be identical with the similar ones somewhat dubiously attributed to John Walleys or Wallensis (cf. Little, pp. 150, 170). 4. ‘Ovidii Metamorphoseos fabule ccxviii moraliter exposite,’ inc. ‘In hujus expositionis initio’ (MSS. Univ. Cambr. Ii, ii. 20, ff. 162–99, and Worcester Cathedral Library, 89). This exposition differs from those of Thomas Walleys and Peter Bercherius. 5. ‘A Commentary on St. Augustine De Civitate Dei,’ inc. ‘Magnus Dominus et laudabilis nimis in Civitate Dei’ (MSS. C. C. C. Oxon., 186, books 1–3, and 187, books 6 and 7).

[Wadding's Script. Ord. Min. p. 152; Sbaralea's Suppl. in Script. Ord. Min. p. 455; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. pp. 630–1; Little's Greyfriars at Oxford, pp. 170–1 (Oxford Hist. Soc.).]