Saturday Evening Gazette/June 7, 1856/Enigma

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Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856
4519957Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856 — Enigma


Chicago, May 26th, 1856.

Messrs Editors—I send you for insertion in your journal, an an Enigma for solution by any of your numerous readers.

My whole is composed of twenty-three letters.

My 14, 15, 14, 13, 3, 13, 16, 11, 9, is the name of a distinguished Grecian warrior.

My 12, 11, 4, 18, 17, 21, 5, is the name of an ancient Venetian family.

My 4, 20, 13, 5, 20, 4, 20, is the name of a spirit.

My 19, 11, 21, 8, 4, 1, 23, 7, was an ancient seat of the Byron family.

My 6, 21, 14, 7, 22, 14, is the name of a college in England.

My 10, 11, 1, 2, is the name of an ancient nation.

My whole was the first exemplification of the power of the people in England.


Answer to Theatrical Enigma, No. 3.

  • Remedy, is what we desire in case of sickness.
  • Upas, self preservation teaches us to avoid.
  • Hen, produces the egg, a favorite article of food.
  • Whew, is an expression of surprise.
  • Bride, is what every lady wishes to be.
  • Wake, is an institution peculiar to the Irish.
  • Die, is important to engravers.
  • Shriek, is advisable on the approach of a serpent.

“Wake me up when Kirby dies,” was a favorite, and is now a well-remembered expression peculiar to the New York Bowery audience.Z. H. T. Jr.

Boston, June 2, 1856.

Answer to the Enigma in Gazette of 31st Ult.

  • Worth, is the best expression that can be found for true worth.
  • Thunder, is the expression of vengeful fate that is said to thunder through the sky.
  • Troth, is a plight that indiscreet people find themselves placed in.
  • Hinge, is a point on which great events and little always hinge.
  • Wrong, is a wrong that is deprecated by all right thinking men.
  • Tender, is what we all should wish a tender conscience to be.
  • Thong, is what a boy on behind sometimes gets.
  • Gourd, is what overshadowed Jonah.
  • Drought, is supposed to be detrimental to good crops.
  • The other, is the one we do not usually seek for.
  • Wound, is a wound that all are liable to feel.
  • Gin, is much admired in some circles.
  • Thought, is what was required in order to find our the whole which is “worth nothing when found.”
Boston, June 2, 1856.
Z. H. T. Jr.