Scented Isles and Coral Gardens: Torres Straits, German New Guinea and the Dutch East Indies/Index

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Abaca, Baron del, 180.

Ache, 247.

Acheen, King of, 244, 246.

Adele Isle, 94.

Admiralty Islands, 132; native women captured, 137-139.

Adolphus Island,18.

Ah Cum John, 300.

Ah Tarn, the Chinaman boat-builder, at Matupi, 127, 136.

Aitken, Mr., 332.

Alas, Mount, 219.


Albert Edward, Mount, 198.

Alberta, the new colony, 5.

Ali or Alij Island, 191, 196;

Catholic Mission Station, 196.

Alifuroe tribe, 209.

Almiranta, 119, 121; disappearance, 122.

Amaral. Governor Ferreira, 291.

Amberno River, 199.

Amboyna Island, 221; the natives of, 222; area, 222.

Amocrang, 236.

Andes, the, 198.

Angeli island, 191.

Anti-hills, 19, 27.

Antimacassars, derivation of the word, 234.

Archer, Mr. Colin, 124.

Archer, Mr. William, 124.

Arfak Mountains, 198, 210.

Aris island, 182.

Arnheim's Land, 22, 197.

Aru Islands, 217.

Assiniboine river, 334.

Astrolabe Bay, 151; Harbour, 120.

Athayde, Senhora Donna Catherina de, 296.

Auckland Point, 22

Australia, characteristics of the people, 20; the abogines, 47.

Australia del Esperito Santo, 123, 125.

Babirusa or pig-der, 237.

Bajos de la Candeelarea, Los, 119.

Baker, Mount, 332.

Bali, 2433, 248.

Balise or Gilbert Isle, 187.

Balloon fish, 53.

Banca Channel, 266.

Banda Isles, 220.

Banda Lonta Island, 220.

Banda Nera Island, 220; forts, 220

Banka, 257.

Bantaeng volcano, 233

Baretto, Donna Issabella, 122.

Barnewald, Fort, 224.

Barrier Reef, the Great, 7, 19, 50; area, 50; vegetation, 50; birds, 50; the coral gardens, 51; fish, 52.

Batanta, 211.

Batavia, 13, 245, 251; founded in 1619, 256; houses, 261; climate, 265

Bathurst, Cape, 15

Batian or Btchian, 224.

Baumbach, Dr., his expedition in 1896, 186.

Beads, fashion in, 173.

Beauchamp, Lord, at Singapore, 274.

Beautemps Beaupre, Mount, 148.

Beche-de-mer, 8, 52.

Behse, Herr, at Seleo, 192, 193.

Belle of New York, The, performance of, 285. Benkulen, 244, 247.

Bennigsen, Herr von, lor, 105.

Berlinshafen, 191, 196.

Berouw, the Dutch man-of-war, 245; carried inland, 245.

Bertrand Island, 187.

Bienenkorb Inseln or Beehive Islands, 114.

Billigheim monastery, 312.

Biltong or Billiton, 269.

Bima, 250.

Bintang Isle, 269.

Birds, Papuan, number of species, 152, 159.

Biro, Professor Ludwig, 71, 87; his house in the jungle, 160.

Bismarck Archipelago, 98, 116; area, 117.

Blanche Bay, 113, 114, 150.

Blitong, 257.

Bokajim, 153; natives of, 153.

Bonthian mountain, 233.

Borneo, island of, 217; size, 260,

Borobodoer, temple of, 260,

Borrolong tree, t11.

Bosseville Island, 185.

Botany Bay, 10, See Port Jackson.

Bougainville, 118.

Bouton Island, 226.

Bowring, Sir John, 296.

Boyd, Mr., his cruises among the Solomon Islands, 126,

Brambanam, ruins of, 259.

Brandon, 334.

Brassaia actinophyliia, 51.

Bridget, 24, 25, 31; her admirers, 33.

Brisbane, 76.

British Columbia, 330.

Broken Bay, 10.

Bromo volcano, 260.

Bruno, Herr Wilhelm, 181; his collection of weapons and curios, 181.

Bugis, the, 233.

Buitenzorg, 256.

Biilow, Baron Albrecht, 166.

Bülow, Baroness Frieda von, 130; her Troppenköller, 164; appearance, 166; works on South Africa, 166; friendship for Carl Peters, 167; lady-in waiting to the Queen of Roumania, 167.

Bülow, Marie von, 168,

Bulteg Isle, 208.

Burgoyne, Mr. Alan, M.P., 180.

Burrard Inlet, 331.

Buru, 223, 226.

Byron, Cape, 10.

Callao, 118, 119.

Camoëns, Luis de, lines from, 216, 219, 220, 224, 226, 243; his garden and grotto at Macao, 295; career, 296; epic, Os Lusiadis, 296; poems in his honour, 296.

Canada, 330.

Canary trees, 111, 159, 221.

Cannibal feast, description of, 174.

Canton, 300; the rice-paper painting shop, 301; kingfisher feather workers, 301; temples, 302, 304; seven-storied pagoda, 303; the “City of the Genii,” or the “City of Rams,” 305; Examination Hall, 305; place of execution, 305; forms of, 306; the Clepsydra or Water Clock, 306; the “City of the Dead,” 306; the Flower Boats, 306.

Capitana, 119, 121.

Capuc or Kapok plantations, 155.

Carl brig, the, 9.

Caroline Isles, 116, 117.

Carpentaria, Gulf of, 7, 19, 23, 49.

Cart, Herr, 116, 132; killed by Natives, 133.

Carteret, Captain, 125.

Cassowary, 26, 27; lines on, 28.

Castro, Lope Garcio de, 118.

Cayley-Webster, Captain, 162, 170,

Celebes, 216, 226, 233; position, 233; Size, 233.

Ceram Island, 221, 222, 226.

Cerco, Porta di, 293.

Challenger expedition, 132.

Chalmers, the missionary, killed and eaten by natives, 134.

Channel Rock Lightship, 15.

Charcot, Dr. Jean, 203.

Chelosanna Lovelli: or sea-serpent, 53.

Chimborazo, 198.

China, the smell of, 301.

China Sea, 217; Straits, 45.

Chinaman, death of a, on board the Stettin, 211.

Chinese, their treatment by Australians, 49.

Christmas, mode of spending, 240-242.

Chu-Kiang or Pearl River, 290.

Cinnyris frenata, the sunbird, 50.

City of Melbourne, 7, 20, 48.

Clam, the Giant, 12; Frilled, 12.

Clarke, Captain, 289, 291.

Clement Isle Lightship, 16.

Clepsydra or Water Clock of Canton, 306.

Cleveland Bay, 4; Cape, 10.

Coal Harbour, 331.

Coast fever or malaria, experiments on, 157; causes of, 158; tobacco a preventive, 158.

Cockatoo, a white, on board the Stettin, 92: tyrannical character, 92; opinions, 93; powerful beak, 93, 270; tricks, 214.

Coe, Miss, attacked by natives, 148; her escape, 149.

Collbrand, Mr., 330.

Confucius, temple of, at Canton, 304.

Cook, Captain, his discovery of the Endeavour River, 10; York Island, 12; explorations, 203.

Cook, Mount, 10, 55; expedition to, 55-63.

Cede, 10, 13, 54; the Chinese Joss House, 55.

Copra, sale of, 91, 94.

Coral gardens of the Barrier Reef, 51.

Cornwall and York, Duke and Duchess of, their visit to Sydney, 70.

Coupé, or Coppée Monsignor, French Catholic Bishop of German New Guinea, 71; head of the Sacred Heart Mission, 77; wreck of his steamboat, 102; his church, 136; palace, 137.

Cudthértaga, Mount (Castle Hill), 7

Curtis Island, 4, 123.

Dallas Company, at Singapore, 276; on board the Sachsen, 310.

Dalrymple, his Historical Collection of Voyages, 126.

Dampier, Captain, the explorer, 197, 203.

Dampier Straits, 151, 211.

David, Professor, of the Sydney University, 112.

Davis, Sir John, 296.

Dead Man’s Land, 21.

Deli, 244.

Delli or Dilli, 219; soap springs, 220.

Derby, Lord, Colonial Secretary, refuses to sanction annexation of New Guinea, 43; result of his policy, 67.

Derzton, Admiral Rezersy van, his attack on Macao, 290.

Deslacs Island, 90, 150; massacre at, 178.

Dewarra, meaning of the word, 151.

Deym, Count, 281.

Djokjacarta, 260.

Dobbo trading station, 217.

Dolphin, steam tender, 4.

Dolphin, the, 125.

Douglas, the Hon. John, President of Thursday Island, 24.

Douglas, Sir John, Commissioner of New Guinea, 43.

Dow, Donald, 132.

Drake, Sir Francis, his description of the Sultan of Ternate, 225.

Dugong, the, 52.

Duk-Duks, custom of, 110.

Duke of York Islands, 95.

Dunbar, Captain, Commander of the Moewe, 71, 77, 132, 273, on the fight with natives at Ali Island, 191, 196.

Duncan, Mr., 330.

Dunckler, Dr., 132, 212.

Dundas, Fort, 22.

Dunlop, Mr., Mrs. and Miss, 255.

Durian fruit, smell of, 254, 256.

Dutch East Indies, 216; system of governing, 236; character of their policy, 262.

Duyphen Point, 197.

Duyphen, the Dutch yacht, voyages of exploration, 196.

Dzjobek, Lieutenant, 314, 325; wounded at Kiachou, 314.

Earthquake at Matupi, 115.

Eastern question, 267.

Ebarhardt, steam yacht, 113.

Elaocarpus grandis, 51.

Elizabeth, Queen, her treaty with the King of Acheen, 244.

Ellat, 218.

Emma, Queen (Frau Kolbe), her estate of Ralum, 104; position in German New Guinea, 106, 142; her appearance, 142; personality, 142; value of her property, 143; house, 146.

Empress of India, 329.

Endeavour River, 10; Straits, 12.

Enlada scandens vine, 51.

Enriquez, Don Fernando, 119, 122.

Entrecasteaux, D., 126.

Epal, Bishop, 140.

Eredia, Manoel Godinha, 22.

Erema, 153, 161.

Erskine, Captain James Elphinstone, Commodore of the Australian Squadron, 43.

Esperitu Santo, 123.

Esquimault Harbour, 330.

Essington, Port, 22.

Evelyn, John, extract from his Diary, 197.

Facing Island, 124.

Fak-Fak settlement, 209.

Fall, Herr, ascends the Raimu River, 187.

Farley Castle, 49.

Farquhar, Captain, 332.

Field, 333.

Filchner, Lieut. Wilhelm, 203.

Finchhafen, abandoned, 152, 162.

Finisterre Mountains, 162.

Fitz-Hugh, Mr., 297.

Fitzroy River, 1, 4.

Flat Top Island, 4.

Fleyd or Fleyel, Mr. and Mrs., 162.

Flinders, Captain, 22.

Flores, 243; massacre of Dutch soldiers at, 250.

Flushing, proposed fortification of, 189.

Fly River, 186.

Fong, Mr. Chun, his career, 295.

Forbes, H. O., 220.

Forsayth, Mr, 104, 141, 143; Mrs., 104.

Fort, Captain, 132.

Fragata, disappearance of, 123.

French Islands, 90; dwarf race in, 180,

French and Germans, relations between, 79,

Friedrich Wilhelms Hafen, 170, 178,

Friend, Mr., 124.

Friday Island, 25, go.

Fujiyama or “Fuji,” 315.

Gadeke, Captain, 280.

Gala, 120.

Gallego, Hernando, his account of the discoveries of Islands by the Spaniards, 118-123.

Galunggung volcano, 258.

Gamalama volcano, 225.

Gazellenhalbinsel, 134.

Geslvink Bay, 209, 210; Straits, 208.

Geisha, performance of, 285.

George v., King-Emperor, his visit to India, 265.

George’s, St., Channel, 95.

Germans, relations with the French, 79; characteristics, 80, 83; their hatred of the English, 80, 84.

Germany hoists the flag in New Guinea, 67; development of, 68; alteration of names, 78; possessions comprised in New Guinea, 116; police towards, 117; system of land purchase, 128-130; character of the colonists, 163; aims and ambitions, 188-191; power and influence, 228; wish to possess Sumatra, 266,

Germany, Emperor William of, his interest in the N. D. L. Service, 97; method of rewarding, 97.

Gibson, Mr,, his disappearance, 17.

Gildermeister, Captain, 280.

Giles, Ernest, his expedition, 17.

Gilolo, 22

Glacier Houses, 333.

Gladstone Harbour, 123.

Gloucester, Cape, 114; number of craters, 114; Isle, 64.

Goa, Sultan of, 233, 235.

Gouneville, De, his discovery of the Northern Territory, 21.

Goode Island, 40.

Goram, 220.

Gorontalo, 236.

Gould Island, 10.

Grassy Hill, 10.

Guadalcanar Isie, 118, 120.

Guatuleo, 121.

Guayaquil, 198.

Gunong Api, 220, 221.

Gunong Ringani, height of, 249.

Guntur, the Mountain of Thunder, 258.

Haeften, Baron Carl yan, 251; at Batavia, 253.

Hagen, Curt von, monument to, 157.

Hahl, Dr., 101, 149.

Haliure Australis, the dugong, 52.

Hamburg, 280.

Hammond Island, 25.

Hansa Bay, 187.

Hanseman, Herr, 170.

Hansen, Angela, 137, 139.

Hansen, Peter,go. Sze Peter, King.

Hart, Lady, 310.

Hart, Sir Robert, his personality, 309.

Heinrich, Captain - Lieutenant Paul, 314, 325, 328.

Herbertshihe, 98 135; Catholic mission, 99, 136; landing, 103; half-caste school, 139; mission first founded, 140; native hospital, 1413 police, 141,

Hessc-Wartegg, Herr von, 136, 145.

Heung Shan, island of, 290.

Hinchinbrook Island, 8, 50.

Honam, the, 307.

Honemaku, German hospital at, 316.

Hong-Kong, 282, 298, 307; Children's Opera Company, 285-289; prison, 299, 341

Hook Island, 4.

Howick Islands, 14.

Hungerford, Mr., 49.

Inland sea, 314.

Irene, S.M.S., 280.

Isle of Jesus, 119.

Japan, first impressions of, 312; the tea-houses, 318; uses of the geisha girls, 319; houses, 320; shopping, 320; toys, 320; characteristics of the people, 321-325; the children, 324; newspapers, 324; Saronaya to, 328; mourning for Queen Victoria, 330; loyalty to England, 330,

Japan, Emperor of, lines from his poem, 325.

Jappen Isle, 208, 210.

Jardine, Mr. Frank, his house at Albany, 18.

Java, 13, 2435 area, 257, 260; number of volcanoes, 257;antiquities, 257; birds and beasts, 258; character of the natives, 258; population, 259; buildings, 259.

Java Sea, 217, 2.

Jimmu Tenno, the first Mikado, 312, 313.

Jingo Kozo, Empress, her expedition against Corea, 312.

Johann Albrecht, steamboat, 172.

Jomba tobacco plantation, 177.

Jones, Captain, 307.

Jorge Island (St. George Isle), 120.

Jorgensen, Captain, 212; his method of trading, 151.

Kaiser Wilhelm’s Land, 116, 152; area, 117; population, 117.

Kaiserin Augusta, river, 186,

Kambing, 220.

Kamo-asi, the three-leaved Asarum, 326.

Kanaka pearl divers, 23, 46.

Kanakas, amusements, 33, 38 characteristics, 34; musical instruments, 38.

Karnbach, Ludwig, 191.

Kawasaki, 325.

Ké Islands, 218; Great, 218; Little, 218;

Kei Ki, the last of the Tokugawa Shoguns, 326.

Kennedy River, 15.

Keoch, Dr., 298.

Keppel Bay, 4, 10.

Keys, natives' fashion of wearing, 174.

Kiaochou, 268.

Kin-gyoku-to, or seaweed jelly, 313.

Kivandang, gold mines at, 236.

Knut, Captain, 132.

Kobe, 315.

Kobo, Daishi, his image, 325.

Koch, Captain, 76.

Koch, Professor, his experiments on the coast fever or malaria, 157.

Kock, Fort de, 246.

Koen, the Dutch general, founds Batavia, 256.

Kohler, Herr, 170, 172.

Kolbe, Frau, 104. See Emma, Queen.

Kolbe, Herr, 104.

Kooman, Herr, 128, 131.

Korea, 267.

Korinchi volcano, 244.

Koruve mountain, 233.

Kowloon 282.

Krakatau Island, 244; disappearance, 244; destruction from a wave, 245.

Kuningunan or Vunapope Mission at Herbertshöhe, 136.

Kupang, 219.

Kwantung, 290.

Kwato, 45.

Lacy, Miss, 19.

Laggan, 333.

Lake's Creek, 1.

Lampongs, 244.

Lancaster, Sir James, 244.

Latang grass, 171, 181.

Lauchlan Isles, 94

Leichdart, the explorer, his disappearance, 17.

Leiningen, Count Carl, 312.

Leith, Mr., 13

Leming Mission Station, 192.

Lesson Isle, 182, 186.

Li Hung Chang introduces death by strangling, 306; rumours of his death, 315.

Lingga Isle, 269, 270.

Linnboto, Lake, 236.

Liverpool, 333.

Lizard Island, 14.

Lombok, 248; area, 249; Peak of, 249.

Long Isle, 151.

Lorentz, Dr. H. A., 112, 210.

Louisiade Archipelago, 94.

Lovell, Miss, her discovery of the Moha-Moha, 53.

Lusé mountain, 244.

Macao, 289; harbour, 290; founded in 1557, 290; the Chinese fantan or gambling house, 292 the Praya Granda,

Macassar, 227, 233 hair oil, 234.

MacGregor, SirWilliam, Administrator of New Guinea; 43; ascends Mount Victoria, 45, 198.

Mack, the sailor, 55. "Mackellar, City of," 335; Fort, 17.

Macquarie, Port, 126.

MacRoarty, Mr., Police Magistrate at Normanton, 7, 19.

Magellan Straits of, 125.

Magnetism, the gift of, 286.

Magnis, Major Count Franz Anton, 281.

Magnis, Count Wilhem, 281.

Majapalut, ruined city of, 259.

Majestic the, 335.

Makian. 224.

Malaita Isle, 118, 120.

Malaria or coast fever, experiments on, 157; causes of 158; tobacco a preventive, 158.

Malay Peninsula, 217.

Malays, their phraus, 226; mode of fishing, 227; characteristics, 232.

Manifold, Cape, 10.

Manindjoe, Lake of, 246.

Marianne Isles, 116, 117.

Marquesas de Mendoza (Marquesas), 122.

Marshall, Eric, 210.

Marshall Isles, 117, 120.

Mato, steamboat, 90, 178.

Matthias Island, St., 133.

Matupi Island, 113, 114, 127, 135; volcanoes, 114; earthquake, 115;

Mawson, Dr. Douglas, 203

M'Clymont, Father, at Hong-Kong, 298.

Melville Island, 22.

Menado, 236; natives of, 236.

Mencke, Herr Bruno, his yacht Eberhardt, 113; killed by natives, 133.

Mendana, Alvaro de, General, 119.

Merapi volcano, 244.

Merauke, Dutch settlement, 208.

Merite Island, 151.

Mexico, 121.

Miklaho-Macleay, Baron, 152.

M'llwraith, Sir Thomas, Premier of Queensland, 43.

Mioko Island, 96.

Missionaries, their method of converting the natives, 205-208.

Mitchell River, 49.

M'Lean, Captain, 4.

M'Neill kidnaps natives, 44.

M'Nulty, Mrs., 23, 24, 31.

Moewe, 191.

Moggs, Mr. and Mrs., 41.

Moha-Moha, discovery of, 53.

Moluccas, the, 216, 220, 223.

Monsoon, enjoyment of a, 95.

Montreal, journey to, 332-335.

Moran, Cardinal, Archbishop of Sidney, 123, 126, 160.

Moresby, Port, 43.

Moreton Island, 75; Bay, 75.

Morgan, Mount, 124.

Mueller, Baron von, Botanist of Victoria, 17, 28, 50, 87.

Muggins, Mr., 41.

Muller, Herr, 154.

Muno Island, 226.

Muntok, 266.

Murray, Dr., kidnaps natives, 9.

Mysol or Misol, 223.

Nagasaki, 312.

Natives of Australia, their treatment, 19.

Natives of New Britain, their cannibalism, 134.

Natives of New Guinea, number kidnapped, 44; their treachery, 112, 147, 150, 174.

Navarre, Archbishop, 140.

Netherlands, the, policy, 262.

Netherlands, Princess Juliana of, 264.

Netherlands, Queen Wilhelmina, proposal for her to visit the Dutch East Indies, 263-265.

New Britain (Neu Pommeru), 78, 95, 98; the Sacred Heart Mission, 77, 99; lay-brothers and sisters, 88; landing at Herbertshöhe, 103; area, 117; cannibalism of the natives, 134.

New Caledonia, 135.

New Georgia Isle, 118.

New Guinea or Papua, 43, 65; area, 43; natives of, 44; traffic in the labour supply, 44.

New Guinea, Dutch, 46, 199, 209; settlements, 209; expeditions, 209.

New Guinea, German, 46, 66; the flag hoisted, 67; alteration of names, 78; the natives, 106-111; their system of governing, 112; treachery to the whites, 112, 147, 150, 174; system of land purchase, 128; fashion in beads, 173; fashion of wearing door-keys, 174; treatment by the Germans, 175.

New Hanover, 98.

New Holland, area, 117.

New Ireland (Neu Mecklenburg), 78, 95, 98; area, 117; result of sending French peasants to, 134.

New South Wales, 12.

New York, 335.

Niedermayer, Captain, 70, 132; rescues Chinese, 96; mode of showing their gratitude, 96; commendation from the Emperor William, 97; his quarrel with King Peter, 144; attack of fever, 185; at Singapore, 273.

Niskimura, Mr., 329.

Noge-yama, 325.

Normanton, 7, 19, 23.

North Bend, 332.

Northern Territory of South Australia, size of, 21.

Nugu Roa, 218.

Nutmeg tree, 221.

Obi Islands, 223; Major, 223.

Oena-Oena, volcanic island, 237.

Olcott, Colonel, on board the Sachsen, 311.

Orange, Fort, 224.

Orchids, dado of, 38.

Orphir, Mount, 244.

Ortega, Pedro de, 119

Owen Stanley Range, 45, 198.

Pacific Island Labourers' Act, 1901, 45.

Padang, 244; population, 247.

Palembang, 244, 247.

Pallaranda, Cape (Many Peaks), 7.

Palm Islands, 8.

Palmer Gold Fields, 15.

Palmerston, 21.

Panama Canal, 268.; Republic of, 268.

Pandanus trees, 27.

Pandjong Priak, port of Batavia, 251.

Papandayang volcano, 257.

Papua 43. See New Guinea.

Papuan birds, number of species, 152, 159.

Papuans, 44; characteristics of the women, 106; the men, 107; dress, 107; ornaments, 107; hair, 10; musical instruments, 108; food, 108; houses, 109; temples, 110; belief in witchcraft, 110; system of governing, 112; treachery to the whites, 112, 147, 150; method of working, 130; conversion to Christianity, 205-208; result of contact with the white man, 206.

Paradisea guilielmi, 162; raggiana, 162.

Paragi, 237.

Parkinson, Mr., 104, 144, 145; Dreizig Jahre in der Südsee, 144.

Parkinson, Mrs., 113; her popularity, 146; attacked by natives, 146.

Paterson, Mr., 123.

Payne, Professor, on board the City of Melbourne, 14; "Champion Shot of the world," 14, 23; at Thursday Island, 23.

Peacock, Mr., his tobacco plantation, 177.

Pearl Harbour, 267; River, 290.

Pearl shell industry, 46, 217.

Penankbar, 76.

Perouse, La, result of his expedition, 126.

Peru, conquest of, 118.

Peter, King, of the Islands, on board the Stettin, 72, 89; his mode of trading, 90; children, 137; quarrel with Captain Niedermayer, 144; his home at Deslac, 150; rising of the natives, 178; his mode of revenge, 179.

Peters, Carl, his friendship with the Baroness Frieda von Bülow, 167.

Petershafen, massacres at, 178, 179.

Philippine Islands, 216.

Pinto, Mendez, 312.

Piper Bank Lightship, 17.

Pitt Straits, 211, 216.

Pollin Isle, 151.

Polo, Marco, at Sumatra, his description of it, 246.

Port Darwin, 21.

Port Jackson, 10.

Potsdamhafen, 180.

Powell, Wilfrid, 114.

Praed, Mrs. Campbell, at Curtis Island, 123.

Pratt, Mr. A. E., 208, 209; his expeditions amongst the Arfak Mountains, 198.

Priesuhn, Dr., 316.

Prince of Wales Island, 12, 25, 37.

Providence Channel, 12.

Pteridophora alberti or bird of paradise, 159.

Pullen-Burry, Miss, In a German Colony, 142; her interest in anthropology, 206.

Queensland, proposed division, 5; labour supply for, 44.

Quetta, survivors of the, 18.

Quirang, S.S., 4.

Quiros, Fernando de, 122, 125.

Raffles, Lady Stamford, her tomb, 256.

Raffles, Sir Stamford, 257, 262.

Raffles Bay, 22.

Raglan, 1.

Raimu or Ottélie River, 186.

Ralum, 104.

Rascher, Father, massacre of, 89.

Rawling, Captain Cecil, C.I.E., On the Great Plateau, 210.

Ray, Marquis de, result of his expedition to New Ireland, 134.

Red River, 334.

Rhio Isle, Dutch port at, 269.

Rhio-Lingga Archipelago, 269.

Rickshaw, riding in a, 293, 294.

Rienzi, 296.

Rockhampton, 1, 4, 64.

Rockies, the, 333.

Rockingham Channel, 8.

Rogers, Major A., 333.

Rogers' Pass, 333.

Romilly, Mr., his description of a cannibal feast, 174.

Roosevelt, T., 268.

Ross Creek, 4.

Rossell Isle, 94.

Rotti Island, 12, 220.

Rubiana, 118.

Sabang (Pulo Weh), 247, 267.

Sachsen, the German mail-boat, 310.

Saddleberg, 162.

Sageroe beverage, 222.

Sago palm, uses of, 109; height, 109.

Salaier Island, 226.

Salak, volcano, 257.

Salwatti, 211.

Samarai or Dinner Island, 45.

Samoa, 116, 117.

Sampan, sail on a, 277.

San Christoval Isle, 118, 120, 123.

San Francisco, 328; Isle of (Wake's Isle), 120.

San Marcos Island (Choiseul Isle), 120.

San Paulo, ruins of the church of, 293.

Sandwich Islands, 268.

Sandy Cape, 53.

Santa Cruz, 122.

Santa Isabel de Estrella, 119, 120.

Santiago, 121.

Sapi-utan or wild cow, 237.

Sarong, meaning of the word, 92, 232, 233, 234.

Savu Island, 12, 220.

Schouten, his discovery of the Admiralty Islands, 132.

Schouten or Mysory Isles, 208.

Scott, Captain, 203.

Scratchley, Sir Peter, High Commissioner of New Guinea, 43.

Sea-serpent, 53.

Sekar settlement, 209.

Seleo, 191, 192; natives of, 193-195.

Selwyn, Bishop, story of, 9.

Seman Island, 220.

Semeru mountain, 257.

Shackleton, Sir Ernest, result of his Antarctic expedition, 200-202.

Shameen, 300.

Shanghai, 311.

Shiba Park, 326.

Shoguns, crest of the, 326.

Si-Kiang or West River, 290.

Simbang, 162.

Simpsonshafen, 113.

Singapore, 250, 266, 270; mode of living in, 270-276; sports, 274-276.

Sinkop Isle, 269.

Skipping, pastime of, 33.

Smoke bath, a, 161.

Snake, a carpet, capture of, 58-61; its size, 63; presented to the Zoological Gardens, Sydney, 64.

Snowy Range, 210.

Soap springs of Delli, 220.

Soemalata, gold mines, 236.

Solomon Isles, 116; area, 117; expeditions to discover, 118-126.

Sourabaya, 260.

South Tree Point, 124.

Spain, expeditions to discover the Solomon Islands, 118-123; relics, 124.

Spice Islands, 221, 223.

Stanley Park, Vancouver, 331.

Stephan, the, 113.

Stephansort, 151; founded in 1888, 152; the "railway," 154; tobacco factory, 155; club, 156; hospital, 157.

Stephen, the summit station of the Rockies, 333.

Stettin, S.S., 65, 70, 113, 161, 211, 266, 270; passengers, 71; stewards, 72; crew, 73; deck passengers, 92.

Stone fish or the sea-devil, 52.

Studholme, Mr., 69.

Studholme, Mrs., her collection of opals, 69.

Sudaras or crocodiles, 13.

Sugawa, Mr., 329.

Sumatra, 244, 246, 257, 266; size, 260.

Sumbawa, 243, 249.

Sunda Islands, 217; Straits of, 244, 248.

Sunday Island, 25.

Superior, Lake, 335.

Swallow, the, 125.

Sydney, 70.

Sylvia, the French sailing ship, 266.

Synanceia horrida or stone fish, 52.

Tamar, the, 298.

Tambora, 249; eruption at, 249.

Tambu or taboo, meaning of the wood, 110.

Tappenbeck, Herr, his expedition in 1898, 186.

Tarawae Island, 187.

Tasman, Commodore Abel Janzoon, 196, 203.

Temple, Sir William, 22.

Ternate Isle, 224; population, 224; cloves, 225.

Tetraodan ocettalus or balloon fish, 53.

Thiele, Herr, at Matupi, 131; decorations of his billiard-room, 131.

Thompson, Captains, 7; his stories, 9; collection of orchids, 50; expedition to Mount Cook, 55; captures a snake, 58-61.

Thursday Island, 23; population, 24; scenery, 26; vegetation, 27; amusement of natives, 33; the policeman, 35.

Tibet, 312.

Tidore Isle, 224; Peak, 224.

Tiger-hunting, story of, 160.

Timor, island of, 188, 243; number of kings, 219; lines on, 219; area, 219.

Timor Laut Islands, 220.

Toba, Lake, 244.

Tobacco, a preventive of malaria, 158.

Tocal, 218.

Todak, 236.

Tokio, 325.

Torres, Luis Vaez de, 123, 125.

Torres Straits, 19.

Townsville, 4; proposed capita of Alberta, 5; sketches of, 6.

Traitor Islands, 208.

Tribulation, Cape, 10.

Tridacna gigas, or Giant Clam, 12.

Trinity Bay, 10.

Triton Bay, 46; pearl shell industry at, 46.

Tsingtau, 268; development of, 269.

Tugari tribe, 209.

Tumahu, Mount, 223.

Tumleo Catholic Mission, 192.

Ueno, or "the Devil's Gate," 326.

Urville, Dumont d', establishes the identity of the Solomon Islands, 126.

Urville Island, d', 187.

Vahsen, Captain, 187.

Van Dam, in command of the Dutch fleet, 233.

Vancouver Island, 330; Stanley Park, 331.

Varthema, L., 257.

Victoria, Queen, reception of the news of her death in Hong-Kong, 309.

Victoria, the colony of, 203, 205.

Victoria, British Columbia, 330.

Victoria, Mount, 45, 198.

Vulcan Isle, 182.

Wahai, 222.

Wai Weer Island, 40.

Walin, Herr, 104, 112, 114, 128, 132.

Wallis, Captain, 125.

Wamma Island, 217.

Wanderer, the yacht, 126.

Wang-shu, The Decline and Fall of the Anglo-Saxon Race, 228.

Ware, Mr. Richard, 124.

Watson, Mrs., attacked by blacks, 14; her sufferings and death, 15.

Wednesday Island, 25.

Weh, 247; coal depôt at 247.

Wei-hai-wei, 269.

Weymouth Bay, 12; Cape, 12.

White Cloud Mountains, 304.

Whitsunday Group Island, 4.

Wiehmann, Dr. Arthur, his expedition, 209.

Wilhelmina Peak, 210.

Williams, kidnaps natives, 44.

Winnipeg, 334; impressions of, 334.

Wolff, Frau, 71, 88, 141; her trust in the natives, 147; attacked and murdered, 148-150; result of her death, 205.

Wolff, Herr, 141.

Wollaston, A.F.R., From Ruwensori to teh Congo, 210.

Wong Mo-Tsai, 295.

Woosung, 310.

Worms, Misses de, 310.

Wright, Louis, 266.

Wuchan Fu, 290.

Yangtze-kiang, 310.

Yokohama, 315; British Naval Hospital, 316; tea-house, 317-319; albums of signatures, 317; fires, 319.

York Island, 12.

York Peninsula, Cape, 15.

Yunnan, 290.