Select British Eloquence

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Select British Eloquence (1865)
by Chauncey Allen Goodrich
Table of contents
140992Select British Eloquence — Table of contents1865Chauncey Allen Goodrich
  1. Preface
  2. Sir John Eliot
    1. Speech on the Petition of Right
  3. The Earl of Strafford
    1. Speech when impeached for High Treason
  4. Lord Digby
    1. Speech against the attainder of Strafford
  5. Lord Belhaven
    1. Speech against the legislative union of England and Scotland
  6. Sir Robert Walpole
    1. Wyndham and Walpole on the Septennial Act:
      1. Septennial Act introduction
      2. Sir William Wyndham's attack on Sir Robert Walpole
      3. Speech on the Septennial Act
    2. Addressing the King on Walpole's removal
      1. Introduction to Speech on addressing the King for his removal
      2. Speech on addressing the King for his removal
  7. Mr. Pulteney
    1. Speech on reducing the army
  8. Lord Chesterfield
    1. Speech against licensing gin-shops
  9. Lord Chatham
    1. Speech on a motion for an address on the marriage of the Prince of Wales
    2. Speech on the Spanish Convention
    3. Speech on the impressment of seamen
    4. Speech in reply to Horatio Walpole
    5. Speech in favor of inquiring into the conduct of Sir Robert Walpole
    6. Second speech in favor of inquiring into the conduct of Sir Robert Walpole
    7. Speech on taking the Hanoverian troops into the pay of Great Britain
    8. Speech on a motion for an address of thanks after the Battle of Dettingen
    9. Speech on the right of taxing America
    10. Speech in reply to Lord Mansfield in relation to the case of John Wilkes
    11. Speech on a motion to inquire into the state of the nation
    12. Speech in relation to the seizure of the Falkland Islands by Spain
    13. Speech against the quartering of British soldiers on the inhabitants of Boston
    14. Speech in favor of an immediate removal of the British troops from Boston
    15. Speech on a motion for an address to put a stop to hostilities in America
    16. Speech on a motion for an address to the Throne at the opening of Parliament, November 18th, 1777
    17. Speech against a motion for adjourning Parliament, December 11th, 1777
    18. Last speech upon America, with the circumstances of his death
  10. Lord Mansfield
    1. Speech on the right of taxing America
    2. Speech when surrounded by a mob in the court of King's Bench
    3. Speech in the case of Allan Evans, Esq.
    4. Speech on a bill depriving Peers of certain privileges
  11. Junius
    1. Letter to the printer of the Public Advertiser
    2. Letter to Sir William Draper (February 7, 1769)
    3. Letter to Sir William Draper (March 3, 1769)
    4. Letter to the Duke of Grafton (May 30, 1769)
    5. Letter to the Duke of Grafton (July 8, 1769)
    6. Letter to the Duke of Bedford
    7. Letter to the King
    8. Letter to the Duke of Grafton (February 14, 1770)
    9. Estimate of Junius by Mr. Burke and Dr. Johnson
  12. Edmund Burke
    1. Speech on American taxation
    2. Speech on concilliation with America
    3. Speech previous to the Bristol election
    4. Speech on declining the election at Bristol
    5. Speech on the East India Bill of Mr. Fox
    6. Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's debts
    7. Peroration of speech against Warren Hastings
    8. Extracts from works on the French Revolution
    9. Miscellaneous
    10. Mr. Burke on the death of his son
    11. Character of Sir Joshua Reynolds
    12. Detached sentiments and maxims
  13. Henry Grattan
    1. Speech on moving a Declaration of Irish Right
    2. Speech on making a second motion for a Declaration of Irish Right
    3. Invective against Mr. Flood
    4. Invective against Mr. Corry
    5. Character of Lord Chatham
  14. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
    1. Speech against Warren Hastings when impeached before the House of Lords
  15. Charles James Fox
    1. Speech on the East India Bill
    2. Speech on secret influence
    3. Speech on the Westminster scrutiny
    4. Speech on the Russian armament
    5. Speech on Parliamentary reform
    6. Speech on the rejection of Bonaparte's overtures for peace
  16. William Pitt
    1. Speech on the abolition of the slave trade
    2. Speech on the rupture of negotiations with France
    3. Speech on refusing to negotiate with Bonaparte
  17. Lord Erskine
    1. Speech in behalf of Lord George Gordon
    2. Speech on the rights of juries
    3. Speech in behalf of Stockdale
    4. Speech in behalf of Frost
    5. Speech in behalf of Bingham
    6. Speech in behalf of Hardy
    7. Speech against Williams for the publication of Paine's Age of Reason
    8. Speech in behalf of Hadfield
    9. Speech in behalf of Markham
  18. John Philpot Curran
    1. Speech in behalf of Rowan
    2. Speech in behalf of Finnerty
    3. Speech against the Marquess of Headfort
  19. Sir James Mackintosh
    1. Speech in behalf of Peltier
    2. Character of Charles J. Fox
  20. George Canning
    1. Speech on the fall of Bonaparte
    2. Speech on radical reform
    3. Speech delivered at Plymouth
    4. Speech on affording aid to Portugal
    5. Extracts
      1. Foreign Enlistment Bill
      2. On the King's speech
      3. On unlawful societies in Ireland
  21. Lord Brougham
    1. Speech on the army estimates
    2. Speech in behalf of Williams
    3. Speech on the invasion of Spain by France
    4. Speech on Parliamentary reform
    5. Inaugural discourse, when inducted as Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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