Poems (Denver)/Spring

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For works with similar titles, see Spring.
4523958Poems — SpringMary Caroline Denver

Thou art hastening onward. Spring!
Onward on a joyous wing,
Thou dost make the forest ring
With thy infant glee;
With thy beauty and thy bloom,
With thy sweetness and perfume,
From old winter's cheerless gloom
Comes wild minstrelsy.

Birds are singing from the trees,
Music floating on the breeze,
Like a prince o'erlooking these
Comes the bright sun out;
Smilingly he looks on earth,
Meeting there thy glance of mirth;
Freely gush the waters forth
With a joyous shout.

Spring, we love thee for thy beams,
For thy free rejoicing streams,
And the spirit-stirring dreams
Resting on thy wing;
For thy life-reviving showers,
For thy incense-breathing flowers,
And thy happy-laden hours,
We will bless thee, Spring!