Talk:The Secret of Happiness

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Source: The Secret of Happiness: The Fifteen Prayers Revealed By Our Lord to Saint Bridget in the Church of Saint Paul in Rome (Pamphlet), Suzanne Foinard, Editions Sainte-Rita (1940). The text of the prayers has been dedicated to the public domain in accordance with the directions of the author. The anonymous English translation is from 1740.

The original Latin text was edited from a text found at Thesaurus Precum Latinarum.

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Pastoral warning: Be aware of any "magical formula”, presents in many popular devotions’ chains and pamphlets.

The 1954 publication into the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, does not condemn any of the 15 prayers of St. Bridget of Sweden per-se, but solely the alleged 15 promises associated to this devotion (That probably was never really written by St. Bridget). It was properly considered "unreliable", in the sense that the Catholic Church never endorses "magical" formulas like 15 times = 15 souls = 15 graces= 15 purgatory releases, etc. But that was the 2nd key reason, not the first, why the Church advised local Bishops not to permit the printing of those deceitful pamphlets. The first reason was theological, in nature, due to some contradiction and absurdity between the content of some promises. However, the orthodoxy, the profundity, the beauty and the Catholic authenticity of the 15 Prayers of St. Bridget are outstanding. Therefore, since just the Stations of the Cross devotion, if properly done, in state of grace, after all proper pastoral dispositions and obligations are fulfilled, can grant any soul different degrees of indulgences, much more so if accompanied by such a wonderful piety devotion, like the 15 Prayers of St. Bridget.

Missionary L. Paul Baron, SSP unsigned comment by (talk) .

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