Template:CoR65 para/styles.css

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/* Styles for the formatting of the clauses within the
 * [[Constitution of Rhodesia, 1965]]
 * This is pretty similar to other Commonwealth law (c.f. Template:cl-act),
 * but it's not precisely the same, so it's easier to just format with
 * a dedicated style sheet. Possibly could be renamed and used for other
 * law in future, _only if_ the formatting was identical. Otherwise, just
 * copy and adjust as needed. */

.__cor_para.__cor_l1 {
	text-indent: 2em;
.__cor_para.__cor_l2 {
	text-indent: 3em;

.__cor_para.__cor_l3 {
	/* (__l2 text-indent = 3em) + (__l3 total width=2.5em) */
	padding-left: 5.5em;

.__cor_para.__cor_l4 {
	/* = l3 + 2.5em */
	padding-left: 8em;

.__cor_para .__cor_number {
	text-indent: 0;
	padding-right: 1em;
	display: inline-block;

.__cor_para .__cor_number:nth-child(1) {
	/* in total, this is a min "indent" from left of number to left of following
	 * text of 2.5em, but there's always at least 1em gap, so there's 1.5em of space
	 * for the number before it starts indenting the text further rightwards.
	 * Only applies to the first number, then it's just padding-right to make a gap */
	min-width: 1.5em;

/* Bring this number back out to the left, to line up
 * with the __l2 number (3em text-indent) */
.__cor_para.__cor_l3 .__cor_number,
.__cor_para.__cor_l4 .__cor_number {
	margin-left:-2.5em; /* 1.5em min-width + 1em padding-right */

.__cor_para.__cor_l1 .__cor_number:nth-child(1) {
	font-weight: bold;

/* [[Category:Specific article templates]] */