
The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Corigliano

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Edition of 1879. See also Corigliano Calabro on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1246272The American Cyclopædia — Corigliano

CORIGLIANO, a town of S. Italy, in the province and 26 m. N. E. of the city of Cosenza, situated near the mouth of a river of the same name; pop. about 13,000. It is poorly built, and the streets are narrow. It contains an aqueduct, five churches, six convents, and a few public buildings. Licorice is made here on a large scale, and there is considerable trade in timber, wine, oranges, lemons, and olives. The best manna of Calabria is produced in the neighborhood. On an eminence overlooking the town is a feudal castle with massive towers and a deep trench. Near by is the site of the ancient city of Sybaris, famed for the voluptuousness of its inhabitants.