
The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Wise

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Edition of 1879. See also Wise County, Virginia and Wise County, Texas on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1538321The American Cyclopædia — Wise

WISE. I. A S. W. county of Virginia, bordering on Kentucky, and drained by several small streams; area, about 250 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 4,785, of whom 68 were colored. The surface is hilly or mountainous, and the soil fertile. Iron ore and bituminous coal abound. The chief productions in 1870 were 6,844 bushels of wheat, 4,443 of rye, 90,187 of Indian corn, 17,953 of oats, 9,842 of potatoes, 75,213 lbs. of butter, 12,482 of wool, and 8,128 of tobacco. There were 779 horses, 1,749 milch cows, 1,981 other cattle, 6,249 sheep, and 6,891 swine. Capital, Wise Court House. II. A N. county of Texas, drained by the West fork of Trinity river; area, about 900 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 3,160, of whom 51 were colored. The surface is undulating, and the soil fertile. The chief productions in 1870 were 5,819 bushels of wheat, 26,750 of Indian corn, 12,570 of oats, 2,575 of sweet potatoes, 14,860 lbs. of butter, 1,302 of wool, and 21 bales of cotton. There were 532 horses, 633 milch cows, 10,336 other cattle, 629 sheep, and 3,164 swine. Capital, Decatur.