
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Bautzen

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Edition of 1920. See also Bautzen on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

822288The Encyclopedia Americana — Bautzen

BAUTZEN, bout'sĕn, or BAUDISSIN, bow'desen, Germany, a manufacturing town in Saxony, noted for its production of textile fabrics, leather, paper, etc. It overlooks the river Spree, 30 miles northeast of Dresden, and is encircled by ancient walls and moat now converted into promenades. The cathedral church of Saint Peter is used by both Protestants and Roman Catholics, it being divided into two portions for the purpose. The town contains many schools, a museum, art gallery and three libraries. At Bautzen Napoleon, with 130,000 men, defeated the allied armies of Russia and Prussia, 20-21 May 1813. Pop. 32,760.