
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Delbrück, Martin Friedrich Rudolf von

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The Encyclopedia Americana
Delbrück, Martin Friedrich Rudolf von

Edition of 1920. See also Rudolf von Delbrück on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

776001The Encyclopedia Americana — Delbrück, Martin Friedrich Rudolf von

DELBRÜCK, Martin Friedrich Rudolf von, German statesman: b. Berlin, 16 April 1817; d. there 1903. He was educated at Halle, Bonn and Berlin. Entering public life in 1849 he was finally made director of the Department of Commerce and Industry (1859); and his part in detaching Prussia from the Austrian commercial policy was considerate. After 1862 Bismarck, then president of the Cabinet, supported von Delbrück's commercial ideas and on the same principles he negotiated treaties with foreign powers. In 1867 Delbrück was made president of the Imperial Chancellory of the North German Federation. In 1870 he negotiated the treaties which made Germany a unit. For five years after the founding of the Empire, Delbrück retained his office as president of the General Chancellory, now become the Imperial Chancellory. In 1876 he was dismissed in spite of his reputation and service. Later, as a member of the Reichstag, he dared oppose Bismarck. He retired from the Reichstag in 1881. In 1896 he received the order of the Black Eagle at the hands of the emperor. He published ‘Der Zollverein und das Tabaksmonopol’ (1857); ‘Der Artikel 46 der Reichsverfassung.’