
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Müller, Julius

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Edition of 1920. See also Julius Müller on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1014296The Encyclopedia Americana — Müller, Julius

MÜLLER, Julius, German theologian: b. Brieg, Prussia, 10 April 1801; d. Halle, Germany, 27 Sept 1878. He was educated at Breslau and Göttingen, and abandoned the study of law for theology. He was opposed to the Rationalists, and in 1825-31 was in charge of several small parishes. In 1831 he was preacher at Göttingen University, and in 1834 was elected professor of theology there. From 1835-39 he was professor in Marburg, and for the remainder of his life filled the chair of theology at Halle. His greatest work is ‘Die christliche Lehre von der Sünde’ (1829; trans. Edinburgh 1868), and among his other books are ‘The Evangelical Union’ (1654); ‘Dogmatische Abhandlaungen’ (1870), etc.