
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Schluter, Andreas

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Edition of 1920. See also Andreas Schlüter on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

927572The Encyclopedia Americana — Schluter, Andreas

SCHLUTER, shloo'tĕr, Andreas, German sculptor and architect: b. Hamburg, 20 May 1664; d. Saint Petersburg, 1714. His father was a sculptor and brought him in early life to Dantzic. He left that place for Warschau, where he opened a studio as a sculptor and eventually (1694) settled in Berlin. The Baroco style of architecture, then popular in Holland, attracted his fancy and in this style he began (1696) to make designs for rebuilding the royal residences. Before carrying them out he took a journey through Italy, where he built the central front of the castle at Charlottenburg, and subsequently began the restoration of the royal castle at Berlin and became actively engaged in designing buildings of this class in other parts of the country. He eventually removed to Saint Petersburg and became court architect to Frederick the Great. Among the statues he erected in Berlin are the statue of the grand elector (cast by Jacobi in 1700). Besides the bronze statue of the Grand Elector Frederick III at Königsberg, the tomb of Fredeerick I and his wife in Berlin and the marble screen in the church of Saint Mary, he produced numerous designs for the gorgeous interior decoration of the Goldsmiths' Hall, Berlin, and other buildings. Consult Adler, ‘Andreas Schluters Leben.’