
The New International Encyclopædia/Böttiger, Carl Wilhelm

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Edition of 1905. See also Carl Wilhelm Böttiger on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1227030The New International Encyclopædia — Böttiger, Carl Wilhelm

BÖTTIGER, bẽt'tĭ-gẽr, Carl Wilhelm (1807-78). A Swedish writer. He was born in Westeräs, and studied at the University of Upsala, where, after extensive travels, he was appointed professor of modern literature in 1845, and in 1858 professor of æsthetics, from which post he retired in 1867. He was exceedingly active as translator, poet, dramatist, and literary critic. Most of his publications in the latter capacity appeared among the Transactions of the Swedish Academy. It is perhaps by his verse that he is known to best advantage. His publications include: Lyriska stycken (Lyrical Pieces, 1837-39); Religiösa sånger (Religious Songs, 1841); and translations of Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata (1842-51), and Dante's Divina Commedia (1846-51). His collected works appeared at Stockholm (6 vols., 1856-81).