
The New International Encyclopædia/Fastenrath, Johann

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Edition of 1905. See also Johannes Fastenrath on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1395515The New International Encyclopædia — Fastenrath, Johann

FASTENRATH, fäs'ten-rät, Johann (1839—). A German writer, born at Remscheid. He studied at the universities of Bonn, Heidelberg, Munich, and Berlin, and in Paris; traveled extensively in Spain in 1864, 1869, and 1879; wrote several works of verse after the Spanish manner (Ein spanischer Romanzenstrauss, 1866; Hesperische Blüten, 1869; Immortellen aus Toledo, 1869); and in Das Buch meiner spanischen Freunde (1870) introduced to German readers the work of contemporary Spanish poets through translations of representative specimens. His La Walhalla y las glorias de Alemania (1872-87) performed a reverse service, describing for Spanish benefit, under the guise of interesting essays, prominent German characters from the days of Hermann. Numerous other original volumes and translations have in a scholarly manner familiarized in Germany much of Spanish literature and history.