
The New International Encyclopædia/Hillebrand, Karl

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Edition of 1905. See also Karl Hillebrand on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

689228The New International Encyclopædia — Hillebrand, Karl

HILLEBRAND, Karl (1829-84). A German historian and publicist. He was born in Giessen, and studied law there and at Heidelberg. He was imprisoned for participating in the insurrection at Baden in 1849, but escaped to France and completed his studies at the University of France and the Sorbonne. He next taught German at the Military Academy at Saint Cyr, and in 1863 was appointed professor of foreign literature at Douai. At the outbreak of the Franco-German War he went to Italy as correspondent of the London Times and settled at Florence. He contributed numerous articles to French, English, Italian, and German periodicals, and published many separate works, including the prize essay Des conditions de la bonne comédie (1863); La Prusse contemporaine et ses institutions (1867); Zeiten, Völker und Menschen. Gesammelte Aufsätze (1874-85); Geschichte Frankreichs von der Thronbesteigung Ludwig Philips bis zum Fall Napoleons III. (1877-79); and Lectures on German Thought During the Last Two Hundred Years (1880). Consult Homberger, Karl Hillebrand (Berlin, 1884).