
The New International Encyclopædia/Hutter, Leonhard

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Edition of 1905. See also Leonhard Hutter on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

766258The New International Encyclopædia — Hutter, Leonhard

HUTTER, hụt'tẽr, Leonhard (1563-1616). A German Lutheran theologian, born at Nellingen, near Ulm. He studied at the universities of Strassburg, Leipzig, Heidelberg, and Jena, and after lecturing at Jena for several years, answered a call to Wittenberg. He was one of the most resolute and influential representatives of the Lutheran faith, and was known as Redonatus Lutherus. He attacked the Calvinist doctrines in his Concordia Concors (1614), which he wrote as an answer to Hospinian's Concordia Discors (1607).