
The New International Encyclopædia/Klopp, Onno

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Edition of 1905. See also Onno Klopp on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

KLOPP, klŏp, Onno (1822-1903). A German historian, born in Leer, East Friesland. He studied at Bonn, Berlin, and Göttingen (1841-45), taught in the Osnabrück Gymnasium (1845-58), and became the confidential friend of King George V. of Hanover, whose exile in 1866 he shared. His dislike of the Prussians was intensified after he turned Roman Catholic (1873), and the Catholic spirit pervades his Geschichte Ostfrieslands (1854-58); König Friedrich II. von Preussen und die deutsche Nation (1860, 2d ed. 1867); Der König Friedrich II. von Preussen und seine Politik, and Tilly im Dreissigjährigen Kriege (1861); Der Fall des Hauses Stuart (14 vols., 1875-83); Das Jahr 1683 (1882); König Georg V. (1878); and Der Dreissigjährige Krieg bis zum Tode Gustav Adolfs, 1632 (1891-96). Klopp also edited the correspondence of Emperor Leopold I. with Father Marco d'Aviano (1888).